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Дата 23.05.2017 07:53:29 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Флот; Локальные конфликты; Версия для печати

К вопросу о Порт-Артуре и методологии изучения истории РЯВ

Комментарий по поводу ПА из британской Official history (naval and military) of the Russo-Japanese war, 1910
(взять тут: https://archive.org/details/officialhistoryn01grea )

But more important... was the choice of Liao-yang as the place of concentration of the field army. This rendered it almost inevitable that the Japanese should attempt to transport their troops through the Yellow Sea. In doing so they must pass within easy striking distance of the Kuan-tung Peninsula, and a force whose object was to interfere with the Japanese sea communications was very much better placed at Port Arthur than at Vladivostok. For operations of this nature Port Arthur was of far greater importance as a strategical point than Vladivostok, and its selection as a principal naval base was, moreover, quite in harmony with the Russian military dispositions. Later on, when the Japanese had established their superiority at sea, and after the officer in command of the Russian fleet had voluntarily abandoned all idea of attempting to regain the offensive, the weakness of the geographical position of Port Arthur, at the end of a long peninsula which could be easily isolated, was at once brought into prominence (pp. 393-394)

Стоит отбросить всепропальский пафос, характерный для русской литературы о РЯВ, и окажется, что выбор ПА в качестве главной базы «отлично гармонировал с [выбранной] сухопутной диспозицией».
Ну и да: «широко известное утверждение о том, что "Порт-Артур был ловушкой для флота", представляется как раз следствием "пещерного мышления". Ибо он стал таковой по причине господства японцев на море»
Самоцитирование, конечно - но не мог не вспомнить)