От Skvortsov Ответить на сообщение
К Begletz
Дата 03.01.2022 16:37:08 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Армия; Версия для печати

Re: Сталин Иосиф...

>>Прямо перед Мировой войной уничтожал командный и преподавательский состав.
>Негативный эффект не продемонстрирован.

Он был очевиден для профессиональных военных. Подкомитет начальников штабов UK в апреле 1939 г. подготовил доклад для Комитета по внешней политике о силе советских вооруженных сил. Переговоры о заключении союза с СССР в августе 1939 г. англичане вели с учетом этого доклада.

25th April, 1939.
C.P. 95(39).
C A B I N E T .

1. At their 43rd Meeting on the 19th April, 1939, the
Foreign Policy Committee agreed, inter alia, to request the Chiefs of Staff to prepare, as a matter of urgency, an appreciation of Russia's military strength.
2. We preface our Report with three general remarks,
which are applicable to all three of the Russian Services.
3. Firstly, there is little doubt that the Russian
Services have suffered as the result of the recent purge. The institution of political control into the Services has resulted in effect in dual control. The inherent desire of the Russian to shirk responsibility is given full scope under this system and has resulted in discipline which was formerly good, being now of an indifferent standard. Furthermore, it had directly resulted in the disappearance of the few experienced Commanders in the U.S.S.R.
17. The Russian Army in particular has suffered from
the purge in 1937 and from the political control of the Commissar system. Its value, especially for offensive operations, has thus been much reduced.
21. We conclude, therefore, that any substantial
Russian military support to Poland is out of the