Исаев Алексей
03.09.2021 19:38:23
Re: Игра "А...
Do not salute me. There are goddamned snipers all around this area...
>"Отряду лейтенанта Крессвела из 2-го полка Королевской конной гвардии удалось обойти немцев с фланга. Они спрятали броневики и разведывательные машины в деревянном колодце в тылу у немцев".
>Э. Бивор "Битва за Арнем"
>М. 2021, Колибри, пер. Измайлов В.А.
В оригинале (Beevor A. - The Battle of Arnhem The Deadliest Airborne Operation of World War II, издание 2018 года)
Lieutenant Cresswell’s troop of the 2nd Household Cavalry Regiment had managed to outflank the Germans in front of the canal, as the division reported, ‘with their uncanny knack of finding a way round’. They concealed their armoured and scout cars in a wood well to the rear of German lines. Cresswell and Corporal of Horse Cutler stole bicycles for their reconnaissance and finally climbed up on to a factory roof, from where they could survey the German positions from behind. They reported that the bridge at the De Groote barrier was intact, but although it was strongly held they could identify the positions on the map.
В лесу они спрятали. Но что well - колодец, не поспоришь.
С уважением, Алексей Исаев