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Дата 28.06.2011 14:04:46 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Прочее; Современность; Искусство и творчество; Версия для печати

Это скорее мы знаем, а у них эндемичное, (+)

Доброе время суток!
У них это до сих пор в политической лексике, "At one point, a member of the audience challenged Horowitz's claim that racism doesn't exist in the U.S. by asking, "What about lynchings in the South?" Horowitz flippantly replied, "So what about lynchings?" He then told the audience that those against Bush's war are "al-Qaeda's little helpers."

Horowitz had the nerve to begin his speech by claiming that the "campus Bolsheviks" were trying to shut him down and infringe on his right to free speech. But earlier in the day, Horowitz revealed his true feelings about free speech."

С уважением, Роман