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Дата 15.01.2007 23:33:03 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Великая Отечественная; 1941; Версия для печати

Mieltiuhov, Upuszczonyj szans Stalina, is this "barachlo"?


I would like to ask you about your fair opinion about the book written by Mieltiuhov, Upiszczonyj szans Stalina, Rakurs Moscow 2002.
I put my title so sharp because one of guy from Russia, I suppose - he or she does not want to say his real name and sex (so called Mr Igor) - thoughts that such an author as a Mieltiuho (professional hisotrians) is a "junk" or in free translation - barachlo writter/author in his book.

In my opinion, I do not agree with such Igor, and more think, that Mieltiuhov in his book had made good analyse of Soviet war situation 1939-1941. And more he is much more credible then for example Suvorov in his book.
So, I wonder, what is your fair opinion about Mieltiuhov's book?

Mirek Wawrzysnki