Дм. Ниткин
28.02.2009 17:25:38
Прочее; Тексты;
А что, хорошее выступление
Полного текста, конечно, РИАН не опубликует. А жаль. Вот он: http://foreignaffairs.house.gov/111/ill022509.pdf
>это называется "прямая антигосударственная деятельность"...
Тут надо иметь в виду два тезиса из той же речи:
- Whatever I will say here, should be considered as solely my personal views on what I see as the best interests of the Russian people on a way one day to create and develop Russia as a democratic, open, peaceful and prosperous country, respected and respectable member of the international community, reliable partner of other democratic countries, including the United States. I solely bear responsibility for everything that I say here
In all previous historic cases secret police and its leaders have been subordinate to their political masters – whether they were Stalin, Hitler, or Pehlevi, regardless how monstrous they have been. The political regime in today’s Russia is therefore quite unique, since so far there was probably no country in the world history (at least in the relatively developed part of the world in the XXth and the XXIst centuries) where a secret police organization did capture all political, administrative, military, economic, financial, and media powers.
Кстати, а Ленин по 1917 г. включительно не занимался антигосударственной деятельностью?