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К Александр
Дата 20.12.2004 12:19:23 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Семинар; Версия для печати

Их ферштее нихт

>Могу даже цитату выделить:
>"Laurens van der Post (11) was caught in the contradiction as he prepared to make farewells to his wild Bushmen friends:

>"This matter of presents gave us many an anxious moment. We were humiliated by the realisation of how little there was we could give to the Bushmen. Almost everything seemed likely to make life more difficult for them by adding to the litter and weight of their daily round. They themselves had practically no possessions: a loin strap, a skin blanket and a leather satchel. There was nothing that they could not assemble in one minute, wrap up in their blankets and carry on their shoulders for a journey of a thousand miles. They had no sense of possession."
>Here then is another economic "peculiarity"- some hunters at least, display a notable tendency to be sloppy about their possessions. They have the kind of nonchalance that would be appropriate to a people who have mastered the problems of production.

>"They do not know how to take care of their belongings. No one dreams of putting them in order, folding them, drying or cleaning them, hanging them up, or putting them in a neat pile. If they are looking for some particular thing, they rummage carelessly through the hodgepodge of trifles in the little baskets. Larger objects that are piled up in a heap in the hut are dragged hither and thither with no regard for the damage that might be done them.
>The European observer has the impression that these (Yahgan) Indians place no value whatever on their utensils and that they have completely forgotten the effort it took to make them. Actually, no one clings to his few goods and chattels which, as it is, are often and easily lost, but just as easily replaced... The Indian does not even exercise care when he could conveniently do so. A European is likely to shake his head at the boundless indifference of these people who drag brand-new objects, precious clothing, fresh provisions and valuable items through thick mud, or abandon them to their swift destruction by children and dogs.... Expensive things that are given them are treasured for a few hours, out of curiosity; after that they thoughtlessly let everything deteriorate in the mud and wet. The less they own, the more comfortable they can travel, and what is ruined they occasionally replace. Hence, they are completely indifferent to any material possessions."(10)

>The hunter, one is tempted to say, is "uneconomic man". At least as concerns non subsistence goods, he is the reverse of that standard caricature immortalised in any General Principles of Economics, page one. His wants are scarce and his means (in relation) plentiful. Consequently he is "comparatively free of material pressures", has "no sense of possession", shows "an undeveloped sense of property", is "completely indifferent to any material pressures", manifests a "lack of interest" in developing his technological equipment."

>Или языками не владеете?

Ну почему же? А если очень умная мысль - могу и со словарем промучиться.
Только здесь я особой умности не углядел.

Оно , конечно, хорошо про бушменов рассказывать. Когда у тебя круглый год лето и жара за 20 гр., а съедобных жучков ты научился голыми руками ловить, то тогда можно и к вещам (своим и общим) относиться наплевательски. Можно утратить чувство обладания и стремление к собственности.
А вот в более суровых климатических условиях этот номер не пройдет. Пещеру топить - запас дров нужен. Да не абы каких, а сухих. И надо смотреть, чтобы соседнее племя у тебя эти дрова не стырили. Себя согреть в холодную зиму - шкура нужна особо теплая, а т.к. мамонта с особо теплой шкурой завалить удается не каждый день, то приходится беречь единственную когда-то по случаю добытую шкуру. Разбрасываться шкурами нельзя - так шкур не напасешься. А еще в пещере надо бы ставеньки соорудить, чтобы в щели сквозняк не дул. А на ставеньки - занавесочки, они ведь тоже вещь нужная (для красоты и душевного комфорта). Да и орудиями охоты не поразбрасываешься. Не сохранишь свою дубину, не усилишь ее каменным наконечником - глядишь придут злые соседи и тебя же своими усовершенствованными дубинами в раз замочат.
Это в пустыне, да на острове можно расслабиться, где чужаков-соперников нету.