03.12.2006 17:02:23
Re: Кто такие...
Фреганы - это борцы с капиталистической эксплуатацией:
Freeganism is a lifestyle based around the belief that almost all work and monetary exchanges within a capitalist economy contribute to a myriad of forms of exploitation - worker abuse, animal exploitation, hunger, ecological destruction, mass incarceration, war, inequitable distribution of resources, commodification of women - almost all issues addressed by social, ecological, and animal rights advocacy groups.
Basic beliefs
"Freegan", a Portmanteau of "free" and "vegan", is derived from the observation that even a vegan lifestyle is not free of exploitation. A product's vegan provenance does not guarantee that:
* Workers were not exploited in the product's production;
* Pesticides were not used in its growing;
* Non-renewable resources, (like petroleum), were not used in production and shipping;
* Rainforest was not cleared to generate plantation land;
* Wildlife was not harmed in production; nor that
* Wasteful packaging was not used.
Freegans argue that people sincerely committed to living the "cruelty-free" lifestyle espoused by vegans must strive to abstain not only from eating, wearing, and using animal skins, secretions (e.g. milk and its byproducts), flesh, and animal-tested products, but must strive to the greatest degree possible to remove themselves from participation in the capitalist economy altogether as workers and consumers.
Similarly to veganism, freeganism is a philosophy of living, a range of living strategies, a community, a culture, and an ideal. As with veganism it is almost impossible to be freegan in all ways at all times.
Many freegans are anarchists and identify with libertarian socialist ideals of voluntary cooperation and mutual aid, and place a strong emphasis on forging socially and ecologically sustainable egalitarian communities.

Сайт фреганов http://freegan.info/
Freegans are people who employ alternative strategies for living based on limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources. Freegans embrace community, generosity, social concern, freedom, cooperation, and sharing in opposition to a society based on materialism, moral apathy, competition, conformity, and greed.
