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Дата 09.03.2001 19:03:22 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Прочее; Современность; Версия для печати

Переведите ПЛЗ кто может :)

Приветствую Вас.

Dr. Leo Niehorster
The "Dr." is an integral part of the name in Germany once the Ph.D. is accredited here.
This is why you also see this title as part of names of officers in the former Wehrmacht and the modern-day Bundeswehr.
Hence, please don't take this as pomposity on my part, but as complying with the German practice.
(Well ... "Herr Doktor" does impress officials and other self-important people, making life just a bit easier in Germany.)

Specific links used as sources have been indicated in the corresponding country's "Sources and References" section, so that some links may be duplicated.
And last, but not least: These links are provided for convenience only - listing does not imply endorsement.

С Уважением. Вадим