Вася Куролесов
05.03.2003 19:38:15
Re: 30.ыи полицеиски...
>... которому я верю куда больше, доказать участие в убиистве евреиского населения не смогли. А сами они понятное дело не признаються.
Вообще, это уже постилось, но придется напомнить.
The Commission has reviewed the role of Estonian military units and police battalions in n effort to identify the specific units which took part in the following actions:
1) escorting Jews deported from Vilnius to camps in Estonia.
2) providing guards for the Vaivara camp complex, the camps at Tartu, Jägala, Tallinn, and camps for Soviet POWs, in all of which prisoners were killed.
3) guarding the transit camp for Jews at Izbica in Poland, where a significant number of Jews were killed.
4) providing guards to prevent the escape of Jews being rounded up in several towns in Poland, including Lodz, Przemysl, Rzeszow, and Tarnopol.
5) the roundup and mass shooting of the Jewish population of at least one town in Belarus (Novogrudok).
Это выводы международной комиссии под патронажем тогдашнего президента ЭР.