От Ibuki Ответить на сообщение
К И.Пыхалов
Дата 07.03.2021 21:01:22 Найти в дереве
Рубрики 11-19 век; Искусство и творчество; Версия для печати

Re: Лев Толстой,...

>Фехтовальщик, требовавший борьбы по правилам искусства, были французы; его противник, бросивший шпагу и поднявший дубину, были русские; люди, старающиеся объяснить все по правилам фехтования, — историки, которые писали об этом событии.

>Прочёл и, честно говоря, охренел. Он что, всю эту пургу всерьёз несёт? Что дубина лучше шпаги и что в критической ситуации следует отбросить шпагу и взять в руки «первую попавшуюся дубину»?
>И что странно, почему-то никто не обращает внимания на нелепость и абсурдность подобных толстовских умствований.


Of the vantages of weapons in their kinds, places, & times, both in private and public fight.


First I will begin with the worst weapon, an imperfect and insufficient weapon, and not worth the speaking of, but now being highly esteemed, therefore not to be unremembered. That is, the single rapier, and rapier and poniard.

The single sword has the vantage against the single rapier.

The sword and dagger has the vantage against the rapier and poniard.

The sword & target has the advantage against the sword and dagger, or the rapier and poniard.

The sword and buckler has advantage against the sword and target, the sword and dagger, or rapier and poniard.

The two handed sword has the vantage against the sword and target, the sword and buckler, the sword and dagger, or rapier and poniard.

The battle axe, the halberd, the black-bill, or such like weapons of weight, appertaining unto guard or battle, are all one in fight, and have advantage against the two handed sword, the sword and buckler, the sword and target, the sword and dagger, or the rapier and poniard.

The short staff or half pike, forest bill, partisan, or glaive, or such like weapons of perfect length, have the advantage against the battle axe, the halberd, the black bill, the two handed sword, the sword and target, and are too hard for two swords and daggers, or two rapier and poniards with gauntlets, and for the long staff and morris pike.

The long staff, morris pike, or javelin, or such like weapons above the perfect length, have advantage against all manner of weapons, the short staff, the Welch hook, partisan, or glaive, or such like weapons of vantage excepted, yet are too weak for two swords and daggers or two sword and bucklers, or two rapiers and poniards with gauntlets, because they are too long to thrust, strike, and turn speedily. And by reason of the large distance, one of the sword and dagger-men will get behind him.

The Welch hook or forest bill, has advantage against all manner of weapons whatsoever.