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К Locke
Дата 24.12.2020 16:22:18 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWII; Флот; ВВС; Версия для печати

Re: Этот рогатый...

>>>>"At 1420 three more Japanese patrol bombers appeared and began an attack which lasted about 2 hours.
>>>Для пиндосского официоза patrol bomber - это летающая лодка.
>>Не знал такого нюанса. А как у них обозначали просто бомбер на разведке?
>VP: V - ЛА тяжелее воздуха, Р - патрульный. Потом в ходе войны в разряд патрульных по военно-морской классификации попали и колёсные аппараты PBJ (B-25) и PB2Y (B-24), но в конце 1941 VP были уже традиционно только летающими лодками.

>Никакого конкретного обозначения неопознанного базового колесного самолета не было, так как базового колесного самолета у USN тогда просто не было на вооружении.

Вот тут клевещут, что как раз с осени 1941 появились:

When Lend-Lease went into effect in mid-1941 , further Hudson production came under U.S. funded Lend-Lease contracts. As part of the U.S. buildup, some of these aircraft were diverted for U.S. use and Hudsons found their way into the Army Air Force, with 20 diverted to the Navy. The PBO-1 s were flown east from Burbank, Calif., to NAS Norfolk, Virginia, in late October/early November 1941. All 20 were assigned to VP-82. As training progressed, squadron operations moved north, finally reaching Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada. With U.S. entry into the war, VP-82's main thrust was against the German submarines which I were wreaking havoc on merchant shipping across the Atlantic. In March I 1942, VP-82's efforts were marked by success on the 3rd, a VP-82 Hudson crew accounted for the first German submarine sunk by a U.S. airplane.


Ensign William Tepuni, USNR, piloting a Lockheed Hudson, PBO, of VP-82 based at Argentia, Newfoundland, attacked and sank the U-656 southwest of Newfoundland—the first German submarine sunk by U.S. forces in World War II.
