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Дата 21.09.2000 15:18:01 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Танки; Армия; Версия для печати

Еще одна интересная байка из Малайзии про Т-90 (и китайцев)...

Cotd...Chinese senior commanders and decision makers are often hobbled by a poor grasp of the English language (changing now). For example...at DS2000 I found myself standing in front of the T-90 at the end of the first show day. A large group of PRC officers came round as I was admiring the tank then a pretty(honest guys..best grade PLA cadre) PLA Major who was the linguist asked me where the 'laser-guided missile' launcher was.
Now being a gent and no stranger to these tanks, I promptly pointed out to her that the missile is fired from the GUN! Much amusement and consternation after she relays this to her brass (all Senior Colonels and up). How is it possible they ask? I go on to point out that the Refleks is 'fired' like a normal projo...etc. After a good quarter hour of Q&A..including questions on Shtora etc., I finally felt the need to point out that I was not selling the tank. Some embarassment naturally ensues.They simply assumed since I was standing next to the tank.....

Now, I find it a trifle strange that all this brass can go about and not know about the tank design they're ripping off! But it's true. What I really noticed was that while most officers could understand English, they were very weak in posing their questions, hence the need for a translator. So even if they go to the trade shows, one wonders how little they pick up.

С уважением, Василий Фофанов, http://armor.vif2.ru