01.09.2011 09:56:55
Древняя история;
Добавлю еще комментарий Олсена к чтению имен командиров корпуса, отправленного в Волго-Уральский регион в 1229.
Th. T. Allsen, 1983, Prelude to the Western Campaigns: Mongol Military Operations in the Wolga-Ural Region, 1217 – 1237. // Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 3 (1983) 5-24.
The same khuriltai (a diet of princes) that confirmed Ögödei in office in 1229 decided to make a major effort to bring the Volga-Ural region under firm Mongol control. To this end, Ögödei in 1229 dispatched 30000 troops under the command of Köketei and Sönitei to campaign in “the land of Qipchaq, Saqsin, and Bulghar”.37
37. Juvaini/Boyle, I, p. 190; and Rashid/Boyle, p. 37. In his translation of both works, Boyle emends the text to read “Sübedei” in place of “Sönitei”. In this he is mistaken. First, the printed text of Juvaini’s history clearly reads “Sunatāi” (see Juvaini/Qazvini, I, p. 150). Second, the biography of Sübedei in the Yüan shih, ch. 121, p. 2976, unequivocally places the renowned general in China between 1229 and 1232.
насколько понимаю, печатное издание персидского текста Джувейни, выполненное Казвини, основывается на рукописи 1290 года и привлекает ряд других списков.