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Дата 15.08.2000 05:27:37 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Прочее; Версия для печати

В огороде бузина...

>WASHINGTON (AP) -- No U.S. ship or submarine was involved in the collision
> that Russian officials said caused one of their submarines to plunge to the bottom
> of the Barents Sea, the Pentagon said Monday.

> A U.S. Navy electronic surveillance ship was operating in or near the Barents Sea
> at the time of the accident, but Pentagon officials would not say whether a U.S.
> submarine was in the area. The surveillance ship, the USNS Loyal, was monitoring
> submarine movements but was far from the scene of the accident.

> Russian officials said the submarine Kursk, with a crew of more than 100,
> apparently was in a major collision and sustained serious damage.

> ``We have no indication that a U.S. vessel was involved in this accident,''
> Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. Craig Quigley said. He would not say, however,
> whether a U.S. submarine was in the area at the time.
>Because of the major role submarines play in gathering foreign intelligence, the
> Navy usually is reluctant to discuss details of their movements.
Да уж конечно, с надводным разведчиком "Курск" не сталкивался, тут американцы говорят кристальную правду. А вот что их истребители пасут наши ракетные лодки при малейшей возможности - любой моряк вам скажет.
Ну, а сейчас конечно - морда кирпичом, глаза честные - не мы, мол.
СУКИ, угробили новенькую лодку, люди скорее всего погибли. Ненавижу.