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Дата 06.02.2007 11:36:33 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWI; ВВС; 1917-1939; Версия для печати

Боянъ. Уся эта история описана в американской литературе...

"...In May of 1917, Jesse G. Vincent of the Packard Motor Car Company, and E.J. Hall, of the Hall-Scott Motor Car Company, took over a hotel room in Washington, D.C., for nearly a week and designed the eight- and twelve-cylinder Liberty engines with mass-production in mind. On June 4, 1917, the Aircraft Production Board authorized final design, and manufacture. Assembly of the first eight-cylinder version was completed in the remarkably short span of less than six weeks...".
...И переписана в наших книжках еще во времена СССР.

А Джесси Винсент (тот самый из "Паккарда") -- просто таки страдалец Вильсолновских репрессий: