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Дата 26.07.2005 19:15:45 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Спецслужбы; Политек; Версия для печати

Re: Прикольно!

Досиживаю последние дни на старой работе, время есть. Поискал внимательнее, вот результат:


Published on Saturday, April 9, 2005 by Reuters

Chanting "No, no to the occupiers," men loyal to cleric Moqtada al-Sadr streamed from the poor Shi'ite district of Sadr City to Firdos Square in central Baghdad where Saddam's statue was torn down two years ago, in a peaceful show of strength.

The square and side streets were quickly packed with crowds waving Iraqi flags and brandishing effigies of Saddam, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and President Bush.

"No America! No Saddam! Yes to Islam!" many chanted. One group of demonstrators burned an American flag.

Tens of thousands Iraqis hold a protest in Baghdad April 9, 2005. The rally was called on the second anniversary of the fall of Baghdad with protesters demanding an end to the U.S. military presence in Iraq.

Tens of thousands Iraqis hold a protest in Baghdad April 9, 2005. The rally was called on the second anniversary of the fall of Baghdad with protesters demanding an end to the U.S. military presence in Iraq and a speedy trial for former president Saddam Hussein. REUTERS/Ali Jasim

все ещё прикольно?

>>то есть ни одной даты таковой демонстрации привести не можете.
>>Это и не удивительно - поскольку их просто не было ни одной.

Зная на какую организацию работал[ет?] "Волк", понимаю, что Оруел всё-таки писал про Англию.