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Дата 29.08.2009 22:40:47 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Флот; Версия для печати

Бразилия намерена построить 5 атомных ПЛ, первая - в 2021 г

Добрый день!

Строительство лодок начнется в 2016 г. Необходимые ядерные технологии предоставит Франция. Стоимость проекта - $9,5 млрд.

www.chinaview.cn 2009-08-28 10:34:50 Print

RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug. 27 (Xinhua) -- Brazil's Defense Minister Nelson Jobim said on Thursday that the country will build five submarines in a partnership with France by 2021.

According to the minister, the construction of the submarines will be started in 2016, and is part of an agreement which foresees transfer of the French military technology.

The agreement, which was reached in late 2008, will be signed by the Brazilian and French presidents at a ceremony on Sept. 7, Brazil's Independence Day.

Out of the five submarines, one will be built with nuclear technology. However, France will only transfer the non-nuclear technology, according to the agreement. And the propeller will be built by Brazil.

With the agreement with France, Brazil will join the small group of countries which are able to operate this technology.

"We will not have nuclear missiles because we are not a country with imperialistic intentions. We are a country which intends to protect its richness," Jobim said.

The minister also stressed that the technology transfer will be very important to certain sectors of the Brazilian industry, which will undergo an "unquestionable technological development."

The project will cost Brazil 6.7 billion euros (9.5 billion U.S. dollars), which will be paid until 2026. The submarines will improve the Brazilian Navy's capacity to patrol the coast and the country's extensive pre-salt layer oil and gas reserves.

С уважением, Василий Кашин