Ре: надо быть...
>Последовательнее надо не лезть. На форум со всякими инсинуацими типа "Уверен что американская полиция в большои части обязанна своеи занятостью нашим соотечественникам" - тоже не надо лезть, тогда и к Вам никто лезть с рекоммендациями не будет. Понятно?
*Мои "инсинуации" базируются на матерьялах подобных:
Russian gangsters are even richer and better armed than Columbia cartels, Japanese yakudza, Chinese triads, and the Italian mafia; Russian gangsters are the main enemy of the FBI. A leading technologist from the US Treasury exclaimed: 'A week was quite enough for them to learn how to make fake $100 notes, at the same time when we declare that the notes are protected from forgery!'
US-s special services, the FBI in particular, constantly warns Americans of the greatest danger of mafia groups from the former Soviet Union, Interactive Week reports. Russian hackers crack commercial sites, steal credit card numbers, and launch destructive computer viruses; at that, the Russian mafia is becoming more and more experienced in computer crimes. According to statistics published by the FBI, organized criminal groups from Eastern Europe managed to steal over one million credit card numbers and crack Internet sites of over 40 companies in 20 US states. The Russian mafia is mentioned at that as the main threat to development of American e-commerce.
The scale of crimes committed by the Russian mafia is enormous. Murky deals involving diamonds, gasoline, medical insurance, and drug traffic have exceeded $1 billion in total.
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Янки, гоу. Гоу, Янки.