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Дата 25.11.2009 05:19:15 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Локальные конфликты; Версия для печати

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Простой как стетсон:

That wasn't about to deter Calley, however. He didn't see people - only targets.

"We weren't in My Lai to kill human beings, really," he said later. "We were there to kill an ideology that is carried by - I don't know - pawns, blobs, pieces of flesh. I was there to destroy an intangible idea. To destroy communism. Killing those men in My Lai didn't haunt me."


Thompson, who died last year, confronted Calley and urged him to stop the killing, but the Second Lieutenant refused to defer to his superior, saying: "Down here on the ground, I run the show."

>Навеяно календарем, оотуда в качестве краткой аннотации к английскому тексту:
> После чего Келли отдал приказ "прикончить их всех" (finish them off).

В статье, кстати, приводиться иная фраза:

With bayonet fixed, the young platoon leader instructed his men to round up everyone, regardless of their age or sex, and herd them into a partially filled, 5ft-deep irrigation ditch. "Take care of these people!" he barked.