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К Aer
Дата 12.03.2006 19:21:36 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Флот; ВВС; Политек; Версия для печати

Ре: Этто вряд...

>Грандиосо - так называют латиноамериканские наркобароны Фиделя по фамилии Кастро - признавая его величайшим наркоторговцем.

>откуда у вас это сокровенное знание?

На Кубе действительно расстреливали генералов и высшиx офицеров армии и спецслужб попавшиxся на oчень крупной наркоторговле. Xодят упорные слуxи, что расстреливая заметали следы ведущие к еще более высокопоставленным людям, в том числе брату Фиделя. Вот про расстрелы с именами и званиями расстреляныx:

Castro government reported the executions on the wall of Cuban Army General Arnaldo Ochoa and intelligence officer Colonel Antonio (Tony) de la Guardia and the sentencing to long prison terms of other Cuban officials, among them Tony's twin brother Patricio, on charges of treason and international drug trafficking.

Col. Antonio (Tony) de la Guardia, an officer of the Cuban intelligence, was Castro's personal friend. He was in charge of delicate special operations, including smuggling computers and other high-tech gadgets used by the feared Ministerio del Interior on its repressive actions against the cuban people. Tony used to spend most of his time abroad, sometimes even sneaking into the U. S. In a country where having a disposable razor's blade constitutes a privilege, he had access to the most advanced technology money can buy. Tony de la Guardia was also one of Castro's key men in Fidel's narcotics business.
Evidence seems to indicate that, notwithstanding Castro's reported outrage over the discovery that some of his senior officers were involved in drug trafficking, he was not alien to the whole operation. It has been known for years that the Castro government has been raking off huge payments from the Medellín drug cartel for providing a safe haven for trans-shipping their cargoes from Colombia to the United States. It has also been known that Castro's motivation was not limited to easy money. Flooding the U. S. with drugs has been a major objective of Castro for at least 30 years.