Пуденко Сергей
Пуденко Сергей
26.02.2008 10:00:18
В стране и мире;
Re: опрос биБиСи...
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со всеми диаграммами
Опрос по примитивной методе,вопросы самые "обывательские" соответственно, но охват всемирный
комменты на ВИФ
из текста пдф-а
The results are drawn from a survey of almost 16,000 adult citizens across the 31 countries
regularly polled for the BBC World Service by the international polling firm GlobeScan together
with the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) at the University of Maryland.
GlobeScan coordinated fieldwork between October 31, 2007 and January 25, 2008. Apart from
Russia, no countries from the former Soviet Union or Eastern Europe were included.
Highlights of the Overall
All respondents were asked to give a
view on whether they regarded Putin’s
leadership as positive or negative on
the issues of a) the quality of life in
Russia; b) democracy and human
rights in Russia; c) Russia’s overall
relations with other countries; d)
Russia’s reliability as a supplier of
energy to other countries; and e) peace
and security in the world.
Across the 30 countries polled outside
of Russia, an overall average of 47
percent rate the President’s leadership
positively on “Russia’s overall relations
with other countries,” while 28 percent
rate it negatively.
A 30-country average of 45 percent
believe his leadership has been mainly
positive on “the quality of life in
Russia,” while 30 percent think he has
been a negative influence on this.
The poll also asked whether respondents were positive or negative on Russia’s influence in the
Views of Russia are more divided than for Mr. Putin. An overall average of 35 percent across the
30 countries polled outside of Russia rate the country as “having a mainly positive role in the
world” while another 35 percent say it is having a mainly negative role.
Over the past year, views of Russia have improved in 14 of 23 countries for which tracking is
available, and have remained stable in eight of the other tracking countries (India is the
exception, where views have declined).
Country-by-Country Results
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