От Константин
К Кактус
Дата 13.07.2012 19:15:49
Рубрики В стране и мире;

Re: Про педофилов...

>Кстати, кто-нибудь видел живого педофила?
Старая информация, но не думаю, что ситуация улучшилась...

Russia - the second child porn manufacturer
Date: November 16, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Timofey Saytarly

Experts of National Children's Homes (UK) issued report on the origin of child porn in the Internet. Russia took the second place after U.S. in producing child porn.
About 55% of child porn has the American origin. Russia produces 23% of the child porn content in the Internet. 70% pedophiles use the Internet for satisfaction their sexual desire.