От Пуденко Сергей
К Пуденко Сергей
Дата 25.05.2008 20:49:17
Рубрики Интернет & общество; Культура & искусство;

for myTV project - лекторий и семинарий. Делез, диЛанда, Негри, Хардт етс

покуда вожусь со своими, блин, видео лекционными материалами, кои не меньше 2Гб штука пока по 30минут(включая мой апрельский 2час доклад "Спиноза и современность"). Малявин 2+ часа уже ужат до 2Гб, СУПЕР,просто супер, раздается желающим. Это получается нарастающим итогом единый курс для молодежи, будет продолжение

Пока наши на флэшках-дисках, глядите мэтров.
Лекторий ТУТ!!

Курс ди Ланды 2007 5 лекций по Делезу.

Там еще курс 2006г 8штук,пока не смотрел. А это то что надо

ди Ланда Делез-3 про аффордансез-аффекты

http://www.egs.edu/ Manuel DeLanda lecturing about the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. Public Open Video Lecture at European Graduate School EGS, Media and Communication Studies department program. Saas-Fee, Switzerland 2007. Manuel De Landa. Gilles Deleuze.

Manuel DeLanda, (born 1952 in Mexico City), is a writer, artist and distinguished philosopher who has lived in New York since 1975. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University (New York), a Professor for Contemporary Philosophy and Science at the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland, a professor at the Canisius College in Buffalo, New York, and professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Design in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

sssswwwsssss (1 месяц назад)

What Delanda is getting at here is Deleuze's transcendental realism, which for philosophers of most guises has to be seen as (at least) a bold and novel move. Unfortunately, we're going to get the whole history of his thinking before we get to a discernable philosophical point.

The way that much of continental philosophy is communicated does it no favours at all.

ricueni (2 мес. назад)
Thank you so much for this video. Did you film it in university?
egsvideo (2 мес. назад) thank you for the comment. the open lecture is part of his annual workshop at the european graduate school in switzerland. feel free to watch our other lectures as well - and dont be afraid, hundreds more are on the way. thank you.

Хардт, за первую же лекцию про любовь и политику(он там по Ленину пошел)заклеймленный сталинистом. Сталинисты Хардт и Негри, - к вашему столу

http://www.egs.edu/ Michael Hardt, the author of Multitude and Empire talks about love, how can love function as a political concept, why love, the proper and improper ways love has functioned politically, love as activism, and evil and its relationship to love. Public open video philosophy lecture for the faculty and students of the European Graduate School, Media and Communication Studies Department Program, EGS, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, 2007. Michael Hardt. Michael Hardt, born 1960 is an American literary theorist and political philosopher based at Duke University. Perhaps his most famous work is Empire written with Antonio Negri. The sequel to Empire, called Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire, was released in August, 2004, and details the idea of the multitude (which Hardt and Negri initially elaborated in Empire) as the potential site of a global democratic movement.

Sometimes referred to as the "Communist Manifesto of the 21st Century", Empire proposes that the forces of current class oppression, namely - corporate globalization and commodification of services (or "production of affects") have the potential to fuel social change of unprecedented dimensions.

Born in Washington DC, Hardt attended Winston Churchill High School in Potomac, Maryland. He studied engineering at Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania from 1978 to 1983. In college during the 1970s energy crisis, he began to take an interest in alternative energy sources. Talking about his college politics, he said, "I thought that doing alternative energy engineering for third world countries would be a way of doing politics that would get out of all this campus political posing that I hated."

After college, he worked for various solar energy companies. Hardt also worked with NGOs in Central America, doing tasks like bringing donated computers from the U.S. and putting them together for the University of El Salvador. Yet, he says that this political activity did more for him than it did for the El Salvadoreans. In 1983 he moved to Seattle to study comparative literature. From there he went to Paris where he would meet Negri and write his dissertation under Negri's guidance. Michael Hardt speaks fluent French and Italian, and is Professor of Literature and Italian at Duke University. In 2006, he was a member of the group of 88 Duke professors who signed a statement supporting the accuser in the Duke rape case.

Батюшка наш Делез, вив ля Франс!!
полный его видеоАлфавит (он есть по-русски)

Винсен 1980 вживую

там и лекции по Спинозе кучкой,но с видео только одна

смотрите "связанные" ролики внизу справа

Cours de G. Deleuze sur Spinoza (27 janvier 1981)
La the'ologie ne'gative : Dieu n'existe pas car l'existence, perc,ue humainement,... l'existence en termes humains ne sied pas a` Dieu. Dieu existe e'minemment !

abce'de`re Gilles Deleuze - "D" comme de'sir (partie 1)

Gilles Deleuze Ethique et morale Vincennes 1980
Extrait d'un cours de Gilles Deleuze filme' a` Vincennes par Marielle Burkhalter.
Des enregistrements audio des cours de Gilles Deleuze (MP3) sont te'le'chargeables (FREE DOWNLOAD) ici:

gilles DELEUZE LECTURE mille plateaux 1
Deleuze working out his material for Mille Plateaux in the infamously crowded and smoky, cloudy classrooms of PARIS 8, VINCENNES (now in SAINT DENIS) where LYOTARD, CHATELET, GUATTARI, SCHERER, and more recently BADIEU, RANCIERE, BROSSAT and others have fleshed out their weltanschungs. PARIS 8 (VINCENNES) was a hotbed for revolutionary thought in its early years and was thus quickly moved from its "forest" location under the pretext that a "dolphin park" would be built on the same terrain...
Категория: Обучение и стиль

"Spinoza" is the first series of the documentary cicle "The Great Philosophers of the World"
. Author and director Alexander Shapiro. The documentary was shot in Holland in February 2007.