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Towards a Military Application of the Philosophy of Deleuze -Guattari

концепты из Тысячи плато легли в подоснову концепции военной стратегии Израиля

Ассамбляж как минимум

вот такой вот коленкор

Systems versus Classical Approach to

By MIlan N. Vego

This was exemplified by the wide and almost
uncritical acceptance, not only in the United
States but also in other militaries, of the claims
by numerous proponents of the need to adopt
network-centric warfare (NCW), effects-based operations (EBO), and most recently a systemic
operational design (SOD).


Another variant of the systems approach
that unfortunately got some traction in the
U.S. Army, so-called systemic operational design, also looks at the situation from the
systems perspective. This concept originated
in the Israel Defense Forces Operational
Theory Research Institute in the mid-1990s.
The genesis for SOD theory was found within
Soviet operational thought.

Another major
inf luence on the development of this concept
was the thinking of several (mostly left-lean-
ing) French postmodern philosophers, espe-
cially Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995) and Felix
Guattari (1930–1992).
Proponents explain that
systemic operational design was developed
as an alternative to the Western teleological
approach, while operational design is based
on epistemology.
In contrast to EBO advocates, SOD
advocates acknowledge that uncertainty is
an attribute of complex adaptive systems,
such as war. They addressed that problem bу employing what they call continuous systems
reframing—an awkward term—which traditionalists simply call the “running estimate
of the situation.” SOD enthusiasts insist that
while the EBO approach focuses on disrupting
nodes and relationships, systemic operational
design centers on transforming relationships
and interactions between the entities within
a system.
Ketti C. Davison, Systemic Operational Design
(SOD): Gaining and Maintaining the Cognitive Initia-
tive (Fort Leavenworth, KS: U.S. Army Command
and General Staff College, 2006), 31.

см так
site:dtic.mil Deleuze Guattari SOD


они там штук семь

Planning Beyond Tactics: Towards a Military
Application of the Philosophy of Design in the
Formulation of Strategy.

A Monograph
MAJ Edward P W Hayward RHG/D
British Army

Abstract : The recognition of the failure at the strategic and operational levels of war during the Global War on Terrorism, specifically in Iraq, has resulted in a quest for intellectual solutions to complex operational and strategic problems. To date this has resulted in a tacit acknowledgment that the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) is not equipped to tackle ill-defined problems and that a complementary approach is required. This monograph does not attempt to evaluate these new processes or seek to incorporate them within existing doctrine. Instead, it sets out the philosophy behind a design approach to planning that is complementary to existing decision-making tools. The broad design theory is an amalgam of the Israeli concept of Systemic Operational Design (SOD), Effects-Based Approach (EBA), and Systems-of-Systems Analysis (SoSA). The monograph elucidates the philosophical functions that are contingent to this process. The distinction between Form, Function, and Logic has been embraced as the method used for explaining the philosophy of design. This builds on the writing of Deleuze and his "philosophy of difference." The design approach produces more robust planning guidance, a frame of reference that enables reframing when the situation changes, a strategy that is easy to communicate, and the explicit step of acknowledging our own biases and perspectives in shaping how we view the world. The conclusion of the monograph is not to replace the MDMP for planning or as a tool for decisions of implementation, but that a design approach is more appropriate for the creation of strategy at every level, and it concerns primarily decisions of consequence.

Planning Beyond Tactics: Towards a Military
Application of the Philosophy of Design in the
Formulation of Strategy.

A Monograph
MAJ Edward P W Hayward RHG/D
British Army

Importantly, this is not a ‘how to’
manual providing a prescriptive approach, but an illumination, a theory of becoming that focuses
on the why of the process, in order to offer a level of understanding. The distinction between
Form, Function and Logic has been embraced as the method used for explaining the philosophy
of design. This builds on the writing of Deleuze and his ‘philosophy of difference’ and also in
compartmentalizing between explaining the form of the design approach, from its functions and
logic. The design approach produces more robust planning guidance, a frame of reference that

The concept of assemblage attempts to address the issue of sufficiency through the
construction of relevant terms to deal with our experiencing the world rather than deconstruction
of our experience into possibly irrelevant categories.
Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
popularized the use of the word assemblage in a book titled a “thousand plateaus”. The term
assemblage could be seen as just another word for category, yet that does not accurately reflect
the difference between the two terms. Categories deal with the “relations of
interiority…component parts are constituted by the very relations they have to other parts in the
whole” as detailed above by the relation of the orchid, a part or sub-category, to the flower, the
whole or category.
Assemblages deal with the “relations of exteriority…a component part of ...

>Господству США приходит конец. Что мы хотим?

Спать не надо
>Мир и безопасность. Прекращение односторонних военных авантюр.

вооружаться надо. Мозги надо вооружать. До зубов. Пока "там" не прибрали к рукам все ценное и положили в подоснову операционной стратегии

приложэниэ - лента

в пока просто тупо и бешеным темпом готовимся к войне, отбирая пенсии нищебродов на Мистрали. Потому что ни хера не работает.булава не летает,сволочь, путиномика рассыпалась, счас все средства на покупку израильских БПЛА,Мистралей, кто там еще нам чтопродаст. Поскорее
Оборонный бюджет РФ вырастет на 60%

Расходы российского бюджета по разделу "Национальная оборона" вырастут к 2013 году без учета инфляции на 60%, решило правительство страны.

Оборонные расходы России вырастут к 2013 году до 2,025 трлн. руб. — против 1,264 трлн. в 2010 году, пишет газета "Ведомости".

Рост военных расходов можно объяснить только увеличением расходов на вооружение, материальное обеспечение войск и боевую подготовку, приводят "Ведомости" мнение эксперта Центра анализа стратегий и технологий Константина Макиенко.

Основные расходы, считает он, пойдут на флот, авиацию и космос.

строительство новых атомных подводных лодок проектов 885 и 955 (и ракет "Булава" для последних), строительство фактически нового Черноморского флота в составе трех фрегатов проекта 11356М, трех дизельных подлодок проекта 636, постройка во Франции двух первых вертолетоносцев типа Mistral

Иэн Дий, Бен Марлоу и Дэнни Фортсон | The Sunday Times

Россия приступает к продаже Китаю активов на 20 млрд фунтов

Кремль разрабатывает планы по продаже китайским государственным инвестиционным фондам стратегических долей в ряде крупнейших российских компаний, включая 24% акций "Роснефти" и 9% "Сбербанка", утверждает The Sunday Times. По словам источников в российских банках, между Кремлем и Пекином уже прошли предварительные переговоры, пишут журналисты Иэн Дий, Бен Марлоу и Дэнни Фортсон.

"Так, согласно одной из обсуждаемых схем, китайские госфонды станут ключевыми инвесторами в IPO российских компаний, которые, вероятно, будут проходить в Гонконге", - говорится в статье. "Транснефть", а также другие, менее вестернизированные российские компании предпочтут приватную договоренность с китайцами, а не IPO, которое требует повысить транспарентность и стандарты корпоративного управления, считает неназванный высокопоставленный банковский служащий.

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Автор Пуденко Сергей Время 03.08.2010 09:52:36
Тема Towards a Military Application of the Philosophy of Deleuze -Guattari
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