Прорвы интересных материалов. Мониторили бы кто и сссылками делились(вопль вопиющего в разливе). Я не успеваю винты подставлять. По категориям. Например, детские и малышковые.Но там как и везде надо меру знать ( и выбирать по референтным источникам)
Ладно,лентяи наводка отсюда(там прорва словарей и энциклопудий, а заливают оне на параллельные файлообменники.так что можно туда сюда смотреть)
Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800-1914 (2 Volumes) Author: Carl Cavanagh Hodge Publisher: Greenwood Press Book: 1016 pages Date: 2007 Format: PDF Size: 3,6 Mb
In 1800, Europeans governed about one-third of the world's land surface; by the start of World War I in 1914, Europeans had imposed some form of political or economic ascendancy on over 80 percent of the globe. The basic structure of global and European politics in the twentieth century was fashioned in the previous century out of the clash of competing imperial interests and the effects, both beneficial and harmful, of the imperial powers on the societies they dominated. This encyclopedia offers current, detailed information on the major world powers of the nineteenth century and their global empires, as well as on the people, events, and ideas, both European and non-European, that shaped the Age of Imperialism. Besides detailed entries that describe the formation, structure, and influence of the economic and territorial empires built by Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Japan, the Ottoman Turks, and the United States prior to World War I, the encyclopedia also offers entries on such important figures as: BLJoseph Chamberlain BLGeorges Clemenceau BLMustapha Kemal BLAlexander Kerensky BLRudyard Kipling BLHirobumi Ito BLHelmuth von Moltke BLIbn Saud Other entries cover such important events as the following: BLBattle of Blood River BLBoxer Insurrection BLCongress of Berlin BLFashoda Incident BLItalo-Turkish War of 1911-12 BLJameson Raid And still other entries cover such countries, treaties, alliances, and movements as: BLEgypt BLEntente Cordiale BLGerman Confederation BLGuinea BLJadidism BLIndia BLTreaty of Inkiar Skelessi Besides over 800 clearly written and highly informative entries, the encyclopedia includes primary documents, a chronology, and extensive introductory essay, a bibliography, a guide to related topics, and a series of useful maps.
Very large files. Just received the links; I have not had a chance to check them out yet. Сайенс Ворс, сиквел Stanley Fish, “French Theory in America”
Posted by Farhang Erfani on 7th April 2008
From New York Times
Marx: A Clear Guide Pluto Press (UK) | ISBN: 074531015X | 1997 | PDF | 183 pages | 368 KB
This is an excellent introduction for those intrigued by Karl Marx--it's better than Rius's guide. Reiss explores issues such as Marx and violence, Marx and Russia, as well as his anti-semitism and sexism, lightning rods of contention in socialist circles.
вторая ссылка на русский источник - после Ильенкова о Спинозе - на всемирном сайте -центральном узле Негри http://www.generation-online.org/p/pspinoza.htm Spinoza; Thought as Attribute of Substance (Chapter 2 of Ilyenkov’s Dialectical logic) появилась на Восток