От Kingtiger
К Kingtiger
Дата 18.07.2006 21:43:29
Рубрики Униформа;

Re: Guards infantry...

Hello! sorry for posting in english but my russian language is non-existence (Im from Sweden)

AMVAS adviced me to post here about an question I asked him so here it comes, hope you guys can clarify it.

As it is now I have joined a reenactment unit named 63rd Guards infantry division and we reenact a small recognize unit. We havent decided if its a regimental recon or Division recognize yet.

however we have some members that want us to use camoflauge suits like this:

But Im not sure if a Guard infantry unit was handed camoflauge uniforms. So I would love to know your opinion on this matther.

Did Guards Infantry divisions regimental and divisional Recognize units use camoflage suits as the one in the link?

and by the way, ANY other information regarding the recon units of Guards division is MORE then welcome!

Hope you can help us in this question!

With best regards Thomas Magnusson from Sweden

От А.Елисеенко
К Kingtiger (18.07.2006 21:43:29)
Дата 18.07.2006 22:12:07

63 GRD


The correct name - 63 guards rifle division (GRD)

Such could be. But time is necessary to me precisely to answer your question.

Best Regards from Siberia, Krasnoyarsk

От Kingtiger
К А.Елисеенко (18.07.2006 22:12:07)
Дата 18.07.2006 22:35:58

Re: 63 GRD


>The correct name - 63 guards rifle division (GRD)

>Such could be. But time is necessary to me precisely to answer your question.

>Best Regards from Siberia, Krasnoyarsk

Any information you can digg upp is thankful, time isnt that important at all.

Im most grateful for any information you can digg up for me!

with best regards Thomas Magnusson

От А.Елисеенко
К Kingtiger (18.07.2006 22:35:58)
Дата 18.07.2006 22:41:06

OK Thomas (-)

От А.Елисеенко
К Kingtiger (18.07.2006 21:43:29)
Дата 18.07.2006 22:07:39

Алексей, вербуете новых форумистов в Швеции? (-)

К А.Елисеенко (18.07.2006 22:07:39)
Дата 19.07.2006 08:47:59

Я могу и из Новой Зеландии 8)))))) (-)


От А.Елисеенко
К AMVAS (19.07.2006 08:47:59)
Дата 19.07.2006 18:28:20

Там есть 2 фаната РККА. На весь остров. (-)

К А.Елисеенко (19.07.2006 18:28:20)
Дата 21.07.2006 10:19:46

И я обоих знаю 8))) (-)