От Darth Stalin
К Darth Stalin
Дата 04.08.2003 23:02:00
Рубрики Прочее;

Re: Из книги «Освобождение городов»

One more question:
in one of previous posts I read that there was 6th Gds Mortar Division (Katyusha rockets) that liberated Bratislava on 4th April 1945. It consisted of: 8th Guards Mortar Brigade and 33rd Mortar Bde; so, could it be that the 37th Gds Mortar Bde mentioned as part of the 30th Arty Div was in fact the third brigade of 6th Gds Mortar Division, attached to 30th AD?
And: am I correct about the following structure of "guards mortar" (rocket) brigade: 3 regiments, total of 144 M-31 rocket launchers, 8 rockets per launcher (total 1152 rockets in one salvo)?

От Darth Stalin
К Darth Stalin (04.08.2003 23:02:00)
Дата 05.08.2003 00:18:00

Re: Из книги...

Yet somee more question, gentlemen:
1. in the 30 ADP, there’s 195 How Bde – was that the “howitzer” or “High-Power Howitzer” Brigade (with B-4 203mm howitzers)?
2. what is the “14 шисбр” ? There are also mentioned “11 шисбр, 12 шисбр” as fighting for the Budapest. And probably the "52 аиптабр" is the "52nd Army's Antitank Brigade" ?

От Леонид
К Darth Stalin (05.08.2003 00:18:00)
Дата 05.08.2003 13:44:00

Re: Из книги «Освобождение городов»

Hello "DS"!

As for 30th Breakthrough Arty Div units.
It was 195th Super Hvy How Bde according to Sharp!
You probably know that Gds Mortar Bde (equipped with rocket launchers) have been added in Breakthrough Arty Division (according to 1944 staff). At the same time Gds Mortar Div have been removed from a Breakthrough Arty corps!
So I am almost sure that 37th Gds Mortar Bde was the regular Gds Mortar Bde of 30th Breakthrough Arty Div!

Thus we have such OOB for 30th Breakthrough Arty Div:
185th Light Artillery Brigade
190th Howitzer Brigade
192nd Heavy Howitzer Brigade
195th Super Heavy Howitzer Brigade
45th Mortar Brigade
34th Heavy Mortar Brigade
37th Gds Mortar Bde

As for "шисбр".
I can not be on 100 percents sure but it could mean "assault engineer/sapper brigade" (Shturmovaya ingenerno-sapernaya brigada).


От Darth Stalin
К Леонид (05.08.2003 13:44:00)
Дата 05.08.2003 17:56:00

Re: Из книги...

Thanks, Leonid!
About "шисбр" I've just thought the same... I'm not sure but AFAIR in such brigades there were flame-thrower tanks, sometimes mine-clearing tanks, and other heavy stuff for destroying fortifications.
About 30th BAD: for me this could mean something like that: as the 6th Gds Mortar Div (Katyusha) fought with 2nd UF since Yassy till the end of war, and in April 1945 is mentioned as having only 2 brigades (8th Guards and 33rd), and 30 BAD came to Hungary in September, the 37th Gds rocket brigade could be moved from 6th rocket div to 30 BAD; or the 6th rocket div had only two brigades, with 30th BAD having its own rocket brigade.
Anyway, quite terrible force...

От Darth Stalin
К Darth Stalin (05.08.2003 17:56:00)
Дата 05.08.2003 21:35:00

Re: Из книги «Освобождение городов»

Dear gentlemen Hannes, Rafik, Evgeniy & Oleg: thanks to Your help, as well to Leonid's, I finally managed to collect the OoB for red Army's 2nd & 3rd Ukrainian Fronts for Balaton Battle and beginning of the Vienna operations. If Leonid is the same Leonid I know, (and I presume he is...) I send him the *.doc file with that OoB. If someone of you is interested in that file, please let me know - so I could send it to him as my thanks.
Thank you!