От Mirek Wawrzynski Ответить на сообщение
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Дата 29.01.2007 21:43:36 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Великая Отечественная; 1941; Версия для печати

NKVD VVS? "Duchi"or not?

I wonder, where can I find any information about NKVD VVS - air force of NKVD?
I know, that NKVD had own, quite small air force for border units - the strnegh of eskadrilla (about 15-20 planes.
How much was it strengh in September 1939 and in June 1941. Two such escadrilas were in the Baltic and in the Black see.
VVS of NKVD was incorporated into land VVS RKKA in August 1941(?)

