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Дата 08.11.2006 22:54:48 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Прочее; Версия для печати

пробежался по-быстрому по их каталогу...

В конкретно этом каталоге

нашёл некоторые ссылки по картам России
(естественно, оффлайновые, скорее всего)
Ну, это в плане того, что у них есть.
Может в нашей РГБ тоже чего-нить интересное валяется. Только я как не заходил в картографический отдел, он был закрыт. как сейчас, не знаю. Слышал, что вроде открыли...


Record #1. Source: UCB Library Catalog

Russia europea / di Cesare Rossi e dott. A. Marco Boroli.<1927>

Author: Istituto geografico De Agostini.
Published: Novara, Italy : Istituto geografico De Agostini, [1927?]
Format: Map
Electronic Location: http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/mrsid2.2/mrsid?server/bin/show.pl?client=maps&image=g7010?1927?i8.sid
Location(s): Earth Sci G7010 1927; .I8; Case D
Storage Info: Some volumes in NRLF
Some volumes in NRLF

Record #2. Source: UCB Library Catalog

Russia. South sheet.<192u>

Author: George Philip & Son.
Published: [London] : George Philip & Son, Ltd. ; London Geographical Institute, [192-?]
Format: Map
Location(s): Earth Sci G7000 1920; .G4; Case D

Record #3. Source: UCB Library Catalog

Railways in western Russia.<1942>

Author: Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section.
Published: Washington : Army Map Service, U.S. Army, 1942.
Format: Map
Location(s): Earth Sci G7011.P3 1942; .G7; Case B

Record #4. Source: UCB Library Catalog

Russia in Europe / edited by J. Bartholomew, M.A.<1942>

Author: John Bartholomew and Son.
Published: Edinburgh : John Bartholomew & Son, Ltd., [1942]
Format: Map
Location(s): Earth Sci G7010 1942; .B3; Case B

Record #5. Source: UCB Library Catalog

Map of the European part of U. S. S. R.<1943>

Author: United States. Army Map Service.
Published: Washington : Army Map Service, U.S. Army, 1943.
Format: Map
Location(s): Earth Sci G7010 s1500; .U5; Case D

Record #6. Source: UCB Library Catalog

Southwest Russia; special strategic map.<1944>

Author: United States. Army Map Service.
Published: Washington, 1944.
Format: Map
Location(s): Earth Sci G7010.P1 1944; .U5; Case B

Record #7. Source: UCB Library Catalog

U.S.S.R. (Russia) in Europe, and adjacent countries / produced under the direction of Alexander Gross, F.R.G.S.<1946>

Author: Geographia Map Company.
Published: New York : Geographia Map Co., [1946?]
Format: Map
Location(s): Earth Sci G7010 1946; .G4

Record #8. Source: UCB Library Catalog

Plan goroda Moskvy, s? prigorodam?i / Izdanie T-va A.S. Suvorina, "Novoe vrem?i?a."<1910>

Uniform Title: Novoe vrem?i?a (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Author: Tipografi?i?a A.S. Suvorina.
Published: [Moscow] : PKO "Kartografi?i?a" : Izd. Istoricheskoe nasledie", c1991.
Format: Map
Location(s): Earth Sci G7064.M7 1910; .A2 1991; Case B

Record #9. Source: UCB Library Catalog


Author: Rand McNally and Company.
Published: [S.l.] : Rand McNally & Co., c1916.
Format: Map
Location(s): Earth Sci G7010 1916; .R3

Record #10. Source: UCB Library Catalog


Author: American Geographical Society of New York.
Published: New York : The American Geographical Society, [1918?]
Format: Map
Location(s): Earth Sci G7010 1918; .A4; Case B

Record #11. Source: UCB Library Catalog


Author: American Geographical Society of New York.
Published: New York : American Geographical Society, [1918?]
Format: Map
Location(s): Earth Sci G7010 1918; .A41; Case B

Record #12. Source: UCB Library Catalog

Stanford's railway map of European Russia.<1922>

Author: Edward Stanford Ltd.
Published: London : Edward Stanford, Ltd., 1922.
Format: Map
Location(s): Earth Sci G7011.P3 1922; .S8; Case B
