18.07.2006 21:13:24
Великая Отечественная;
Полный, корректный список. Выб-Петразоводская операция.
Говорит, что исправления и комментарии очень нужны.
31st Separate Guards Heavy Tank Regiment
Commander: Maj. P.D. Primatsenko.
Equipment 10/6 1944: KV-1
10/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A. At Valkeasaari.
11/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A. Supported 63.GdsD and 45.GdsD east of the Valkeasaari-Kivennapa road.
12/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A. Supported the 30.Gds AC rifle divisions at Palokangas or the Akijärvi road or Metsäkylä.
13/6 1944: From 30.Gds AC/21.A to 109.AC/21.A.
14/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A. At Kuuterselkä.
15/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A. At Kuuterselkä.
16/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A.
17/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A. West of Perkjärvi.
18/6 1944: From 109.AC/21.A to 97.AC. North of Muolaanjärvi.
19/6 1944: ?
20/6 1944: 2.Mobile Group.
Comments: Moved from Carelian Isthmus before 14/7 1944. At Narva 21/7 1944.
260th Separate Guards Heavy Tank Regiment
Commander: Lt. Col L.P Krasnostan.
Equipment 10/6 1944: KV-1
10/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A. At Valkeasaari.
11/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A. Supported 63.GdsD and 45.GdsD east of the Valkeasaari-Kivennapa road.
12/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A. Supported the 30.Gds AC rifle divisions at Palokangas or the Akijärvi road or Metsäkylä.
13/6 1944: From 30.Gds AC/21.A to 108.AC/21.A.
14/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A.
15/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A. Near Ino.
16/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A.
17/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A.
18/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A. At Rokkala-Rokkalanjoki.
19/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A. At Rokkala.
20/6 1944: Viborg.
Comments: 5/8 1944 21.A. At 27/8 1944 in 59.A.
98th Separate Tank Regiment
Commander: Maj. K. L. Nefedov or Maj. J. J. Baryilov?
Equipment 10/6 1944: T-34
10/6 1944: 21.A. At Valkeasaari.
11/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A. Supported 64.GdsD west of the Valkeasaari-Kivennapa road.
12/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A. Supported the 30.Gds AC rifle divisions at Palokangas or the Akijärvi road or Metsäkylä.
13/6 1944: From 30.Gds AC/21.A to 108.AC/21.A.
14/6 1944: 108.AC
15/6 1944: 108.AC & 109.AC. Some kilometers west of Vammelsuu.
16/6 1944: 108.AC
17/6 1944: 108.AC
18/6 1944: 108.AC
19/6 1944: ?
20/6 1944: ?
Comments: From 21.A to Leningrad Front reserve 14/7 1944. At Narva 19/7 1944.
185th Separate Tank Regiment
Commander: Lt. Col. A. K. Juhatskij
Equipment 10/6 1944: T-34
10/6 1944: 109 AC/21.A. Supported 109.D at Rajajoki.
11/6 1944: 109 AC/21.A. Advanced towards Vammelsuu.
12/6 1944: 109 AC/21.A. Near Vammelsuu.
13/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A. Subordinated to 72.D near Kuuterselkä.
14/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A. Some kilometers south of Kuuterselkä.
15/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A.
16/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A.
17/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A. West of Perkjärvi.
18/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A. North of Muolaanjärvi.
19/6 1944: ?
20/6 1944: ?
Comments: From Carelian Isthmus 25/7 1944. At Narva 5/8 1944.
226th Separate Tank Regiment
Commander: ?
Equipment 10/6 1944: T-34
10/6 1944: 97.AC/21.A. At Vaskisavotta.
11/6 1944: 97.AC/21.A.
12/6 1944: Moved to 23.A reserve.
13/6 1944: ?
14/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A. In battle at Siiranmäki.
15/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
16/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
17/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A. At Valkjärvi.
18/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
19/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A. North of Äyräpäänjärvi.
20/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A. Near Kaltavesi. Advanced towards Vuoksi.
Comments: To Leningrad Front reserve in June/Juli 1944.
351st Guards Heavy SPG Regiment
Commander: Maj. M. F. Oljenikov.
Equipment 10/6 1944: ISU-152
10/6 1944: 21.A reserve.
11/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A. Supported 64.GdsD west of the Valkeasaari-Kivennapa road.
12/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A. Supported the 30.Gds AC rifle divisions at Palokangas or the Akijärvi road or Metsäkylä.
13/6 1944: From 30.Gds AC/21.A to 109.AC/21.A.
14/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A. South of Kuuterselkä at the Viborg railroad.
15/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A.
16/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A.
17/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A. West of Perkjärvi.
18/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A.
19/6 1944: ?
20/6 1944: 2.Mobile Group.
Comments: Juli 1944 in 94.AC. At 5/8 1944 still in 21.A.
396th Guards Heavy SPG Regiment
Commander: ?
Equipment 10/6 1944: ISU-152
10/6 1944: 97.AC/21.A. At Vaskisavotta.
11/6 1944: 97.AC/21.A.
12/6 1944: From 97.AC/21.A. to 23.A reserve.
13/6 1944: ?
14/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A. Siiranmäki.
15/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
16/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
17/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
18/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
19/6 1944: North of Äyräpäänjärvi.
20/6 1944: Near Kaltavesi. Advanced towards Vuoksi.
Comments: Supported 109.D 13/7 1944.
1222nd SPG Regiment
Commander: Lt. Col I. A. Birjukov
Equipment 10/6 1944: SU-76M
10/6 1944: 109 AC/21.A. Supported 109.D at Rajajoki.
11/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A. Advanced towards Vammelsuu.
12/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A. Near Vammelsuu.
13/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A.
14/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A. South east of Kuuterselkä.
15/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A.
16/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A.
17/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A. West of Perkjärvi.
18/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A. North of Muolaanjärvi.
19/6 1944: ?
20/6 1944: ?
Comments: Moved from Carelian Isthmus before 14/7 1944. Narva 18/7 1944.
46th Separate Guards Heavy Tank Regiment
Commander: Lt. Col A. S. Parsev/Lt. Col P. V. Lapin.
Equipment 10/6 1944: KV-1, Churchill.
10/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A
11/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A. Advanced towards Korkealampi around Lempaalanjärvi.
12/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
13/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
14/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A. Siiranmäki.
15/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
16/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
17/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A. At Valkjärvi.
18/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
19/6 1944: ?
20/6 1944: ?
Comments: To Le.F reserve from Vuoksi.
1st Red Banner Tank Brigade
Commander: Col. V. P. Volkov - Col. V. L. Protsenko.
Equipment 10/6 1944: T-34/76
10/6 1944: 2.Mobile Group.
11/6 1944: 2.Mobile Group.
12/6 1944: 2.Mobile Group/109.AC/21.A.
13/6 1944: 2.Mobile Group/109.AC/21.A.
14/6 1944: 2.Mobile Group/109.AC/21.A. At Kuuterselkä.
15/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A.
16/6 1944: ?
17/6 1944: ?
18/6 1944: 2.Mobile Group. At Leipäsuo-Muolaanjärvi.
19/6 1944: 110.AC/21.A.
20/6 1944: 110.AC/21.A. Viborg.
Comments: Moved from Carelian Isthmus before 14/7 1944. Narva 24/7 1944.
30th Guards Tank Brigade
Commander: Col. Sergey Aleksandrovich Sokolov.
Equipment 10/6 1944: T-34/76
10/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
11/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
12/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
13/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
14/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
15/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
16/6 1944: ?
17/6 1944: 3.Mobile Group/21.A.
18/6 1944: 3.Mobile Group/21.A. At Koivisto.
19/6 1944: 3.Mobile Group/21.A.
20/6 1944: 3.Mobile Group/21.A. Viborg.
Comments: From 21.A to Leningrad Front reserve 14/7 1944. At Narva 4/8 1944.
152nd Tank Brigade
Commander: Col. A. N. Kovalevskij
Equipment 10/6 1944: T-34/76
10/6 1944: 1.Mobile Group.
11/6 1944: 1.Mobile Group.
12/6 1944: Probably with 30.Gds AC/21.A. At Palokangas or the Akijärvi road or Metsäkylä.
13/6 1944: 1.Mobile Group/109.AC/21.A
14/6 1944: 1.Mobile Group/21.A.
15/6 1944: 1.Mobile Group/21.A. In battle at Ino.
16/6 1944: At Kaukjärvi.
17/6 1944: Advanced towards Perkjärvi.
18/6 1944: Towards Summa.
19/6 1944: 97.AC
20/6 1944: 97.AC. East of Viborg.
Comments: 23/7 1944 to Narva.
220th Tank Brigade
Commander: Col. M. I. Lampusov
Equipment 10/6 1944: T-26
10/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
11/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
12/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
13/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
14/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
15/6 1944: ?
16/6 1944: ?
17/6 1944: ?
18/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A. Advanced towards Koivisto.
19/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A. Advanced towards Sommee.
20/6 1944: Viborg.
Comments: Moved from Carelian Isthmus before 14/7 1944. Narva 24/7 1944.
27th Separate Tank Regiment
Commander: Maj. M. S. Tsernyh
Equipment 10/6 1944: T-34
10/6 1944: ? (Note: Could in my sources been mixed-up with 27th Separate Guards Heavy Tank Regiment.)
11/6 1944: ?
12/6 1944: ?
13/6 1944: ?
14/6 1944: ?
15/6 1944: ?
16/6 1944: ?
17/6 1944: ?
18/6 1944: ?
19/6 1944: ?
20/6 1944: ?
Comments: From 21.A to Leningrad Front reserve 13/7 1944. Moved from Carelian Isthmus 23/7 1944.
26th Separate Guards Heavy Tank Regiment
Commander: Lt. Col A. G. Kuts.
Equipment 10/6 1944: IS-2
10/6 1944: 1.Mobile Group.
11/6 1944: 1.Mobile Group.
12/6 1944: 1.Mobile Group.
13/6 1944: 1.Mobile Group/109.AC/21.A.
14/6 1944: 1.Mobile Group.
15/6 1944: 21.A. In battle at Ino.
16/6 1944: At Kaukjärvi.
17/6 1944: Advanced towards Perkjärvi.
18/6 1944: ?
19/6 1944: 97.AC.
20/6 1944: 97.AC. Viborg.
Comments: Moved before 14/7 1944 from Carelian Isthmus.
27th Separate Guards Heavy Tank Regiment
Commander: Lt. Col D. A. Gnezdilov
Equipment 10/6 1944: IS-2
10/6 1944: 2.Mobile Group.
11/6 1944: 2.Mobile Group.
12/6 1944: 2.Mobile Group.
13/6 1944: 1.Mobile Group/109.AC/21.A. (if not 27th Separate Tank Regiment?)
14/6 1944: ?
15/6 1944: 21.A
16/6 1944: ?
17/6 1944: 110.AC
18/6 1944: 110.AC. At Summa.
19/6 1944: ?
20/6 1944: Viborg.
Comments: 6/7 1944 in 97.AC. At 5/8 1944 in 21.A.
952nd SPG Regiment
Commander: Col. S. D. Tsesnokov
Equipment 10/6 1944: SU-76
10/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
11/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
12/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
13/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
14/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
15/6 1944: ?
16/6 1944: ?
17/6 1944: ?
18/6 1944: 3.Mobile Group/21.A.
19/6 1944: 3.Mobile Group/21.A.
20/6 1944: 3.Mobile Group/21.A. Viborg.
Comments: -
1238th SPG Regiment
Commander: Lt. Col I. D. Kotov
Equipment 10/6 1944: SU-76M
10/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A. At Valkeasaari.
11/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A.
12/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A. Supported at Palokangas or the Akijärvi road or Metsäkylä.
13/6 1944: From 30.Gds AC/21.A to 108.AC/21.A.
14/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A.
15/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A.
16/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A.
17/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A.
18/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A. At Rokkala-Rokkalanjoki.
19/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A. At Rokkala.
20/6 1944: 3.Mobile Group/21.A.
Comments: Subordinated to 90.D 14/7 1944. In 21.A 5/8 1944 and in 59.A 27/9 1944.
124th Separate Tank Regiment
Commander: Lt. Col Piotr Semenovich Kiselev
Equipment 10/6 1944: ?
10/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
11/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
12/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
13/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
14/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
15/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
16/6 1944: 21.A. North of Uusikirkko.
17/6 1944: 110.AC/21.A
18/6 1944: 110.AC/21.A. Advanced along the Viipuri road near Summa.
19/6 1944: ?
20/6 1944: 21.A. Viborg.
Comments: 14/7 1944 in 98.AC. At 5/8 1944 still in 21.A.
938th SPG Regiment
Commander: Lt. Col P. A. Fedorov
Equipment 10/6 1944: SU-76M
10/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
11/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
12/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
13/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
14/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A. In battle at Siiranmäki.
15/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A
16/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
17/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A. At Valkjärvi.
18/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A.
19/6 1944: 98.AC/23.A. North of Äyräpäänjärvi.
20/6 1944: Near Kaltavesi, advanced towards Vuoksi.
Comments: To Leningrad Front reserve June/Juli 1944.
397th Guards Separate SPG Regiment
Commander: Lt. Col A.M. Medvedev
Equipment 10/6 1944: ISU-152
10/6 1944: 1. and 2.Mobile Group.
11/6 1944: ?
12/6 1944: ?
13/6 1944: 110.AC. ?
14/6 1944: ?
15/6 1944: ?
16/6 1944: 110.AC. Advanced along the Viipuri railroad at?
17/6 1944: 110.AC.
18/6 1944: 110.AC. Advanced along the Viipuri road near Summa.
19/6 1944: ?
20/6 1944: 109.AC/21.A.
Comments: Moved from Carelian Isthmus before 14/7 1944.
394th Guards Separate SPG Regiment
Commander: Col. G. A. Dutov
Equipment 10/6 1944: ?
10/6 1944: 30.Gds AC reserve.
11/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A. Supported 64.GdsD west of the Valkeasaari-Kivennapa road.
12/6 1944: ?
13/6 1944: 110.AC./21.A.
14/6 1944: 110.AC/21.A.
15/6 1944: 110.AC/21.A.
16/6 1944: 110.AC/21.A.
17/6 1944: Leningrad Front reserve.
18/6 1944: From Leningrad Front reserve to 108.AC.
19/6 1944: ?
20/6 1944: ?
Comments: Leningrad Front reserve 14/7 1944.
1439th SPG Regiment
Commander: ?
Equipment 10/6 1944: ?
10/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A. At Valkeasaari.
11/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A. Supported probably 63.GdsD east of the Valkeasaari-Kivennapa road.
12/6 1944: 30.Gds AC/21.A. Supported at Palokangas or the Akijärvi road or Metsäkylä.
13/6 1944: ?
14/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A.
15/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A. and 109.AC.
16/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A.
17/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A.
18/6 1944: 108.AC/21.A.
19/6 1944: ?
20/6 1944: ?