Hannes Gruber
Darth Stalin
05.08.2003 00:31:00
Re: 7 mech...
According to Sharp, both the 67 HB and the 71 LAB were assigned to the 5th Gds Art Div in June 1943 and they spent the rest of the war under that headquarters. 119 Super Hvy How Bde was part of the 6th Gds Art Div and 23 Gds LAB was part of the 5th Art Div until the end of the war. Unfortunately, that's all what I can find in Sharp's book in regard to your question.
As for the second question, 61 Gds Corps Art Bde was assigned to the 37 Gds Rif Cps in 9 Gds Army, 62 Gds Corps Art Bde to the 38 Gds Rif Cps and 63 Gds Corps Art Bde to the 39 Gds Rif Cps. The 35 Gds Cannon Bde served as the Army Heavy Cannon Bde in the 9 Gds Army.
Hope I was able to help you somehow.