От Gregory
К All
Дата 02.03.2008 16:32:04
Рубрики Гражданская война;

My post ab. Civil War


I ask to pardon me. My poor Russian. I cannot competently state an idea in your language. Anyhow I am engaged Red army in Civil war. Our club very small (all three). Which that we reconstruction. We do many discrepancy.
My interest in it. Any will help me to learn when has been est. name начдив? I hope you will help me.

Kind regards, Gregory.

От Запасной
К Gregory (02.03.2008 16:32:04)
Дата 09.03.2008 14:47:00

Re: My post...


>I ask to pardon me. My poor Russian. I cannot competently state an idea in your language. Anyhow I am engaged Red army in Civil war. Our club very small (all three). Which that we reconstruction. We do many discrepancy.
>My interest in it. Any will help me to learn when has been est. name начдив? I hope you will help me.

>Kind regards, Gregory.

In my best knowledge, the name "начдив" (НАЧальник ДИВизии - chief of division) instead of previous "командир дивизии" (commander of division) started to be implemented even between the february and october revolution of 1917 as a reflection of the process of democratization in armed forces, and of the tendency to use the reduced forms of the words of official nominations. Then, it was used in the Red Army from 1918. After the Civil War it was started to be implemented the old name "командир дивизии", but also in the reduced form - "комдив".

От Китаец
К Запасной (09.03.2008 14:47:00)
Дата 09.03.2008 17:22:57

Re: My post...

В русской армии исторически сложилось, что должность офицера, командовавшего дивизхией нахывалась "начальник дивизии".
В Р.-К.К.А. первоначально дело обстояло так же.
Если брать приказы о введении знаков различия, то ещё в приказе Р.В.С.Р. № 322 от 31 января 1922 г. два ромба получили "Командир отдельной бригады, наачальник дивизии и им равные". А уже согласно приказу Р.В.С. С.С.С.Р. № 1244 от 2 октября 1924 г., это категория К-11, к которой отнесены "Командир дивизии, комиссар дивизии, помощник командира корпуса, и им равные".
С этих пор лицо, командующее дивизией называется комдивом.
С почтением, Китаец.

От Гриша
К Gregory (02.03.2008 16:32:04)
Дата 06.03.2008 05:38:25

Re: My post...


>I ask to pardon me. My poor Russian. I cannot competently state an idea in your language. Anyhow I am engaged Red army in Civil war. Our club very small (all three). Which that we reconstruction. We do many discrepancy.
>My interest in it. Any will help me to learn when has been est. name начдив? I hope you will help me.

>Kind regards, Gregory.
The title, "Нач.Див" would've been established after the revolution, around

От vladvitkam
К Gregory (02.03.2008 16:32:04)
Дата 02.03.2008 16:59:20

division commander maybe (-)