От Darth Stalin
К Hannes Gruber
Дата 31.07.2003 18:10:00
Рубрики Прочее;

Re: 7 mech corps in Budapest/Balaton

Thank you, Hannes! Yet another questions:
1. AFAIK, according to Grylev, the 4th Gds Mech Corps was at March 1945 part of 2nd Ukrainian Front reserves; however I don't know to which army it has been attached - to 46th Army or 7th Gds Army? Can Sharp's book help to find it out?
2. In the 3rd Ukrainian Front there was a 9th Arty Corps, consisting of 5th Gds Breakthrough Arty Division and 30th Arty Division; however, the 30th AD's structure found by Leonid suggests that it was in fact the "breakthrough" arty division too. Can you clear it out?
3. there was a 11th Arty Division in 2nd Ukr Front fighting there from Yassy. However I don't know where has it been attached to in March 1945. can You help?
4. I also need to clear out the 2nd Arty Division, by Grylev mentioned as attached to 40th Army - do you know its structure? (OoB)
5. Grylev also claims that the 16th Breakthrough Arty Div was in March 1945 with 7th Gds Army; however some Polish books claim it was with 46th Army. However I suppose that in fact there was 11th AD with 46th Army and 16th with 7th Gds. can you clear it out too?
6. Finally, there was a 2nd Breakthrough Arty corps with 3rd Ukr Fr, with 19th Breakthrough Arty Div; do you know if there were any other divisions with that corps?

От Hannes Gruber
К Darth Stalin (31.07.2003 18:10:00)
Дата 01.08.2003 23:35:00

Re: 7 mech...

1. Unfortunately, there's no info to which army 4th Gds Mech Corps has been attached.
2. In general, a breakthrough division added a 152mm and 203mm howitzer brigade to a regular division. Looking at the structure of the 30th AD, it seems that it was formed as breakthrough division. Can't find any info that there was also a regular division with that number.
3. The only info I can find in Sharp's book is that the 11th AD was assigned to 40th or 53rd Army for most of 1945, fighting in Hungary and Czechoslovakia.
4. There must be a mistake in either Grylev's or Sharp's book since Sharp states that the 2nd AD was part of 2nd Belorussian Front at that time.
5. 16th AD was assigned directly to the 7th Gds Army until the end of the war.
6. In the last two months of the war the 2nd Artillery Corps controlled also the 9th Artillery Division and the 27th Guards Artillery Reconnaissance Battalion besides the 19th Artillery Division.

От Darth Stalin
К Hannes Gruber (01.08.2003 23:35:00)
Дата 02.08.2003 01:10:00

Re: 7 mech corps in Budapest/Balaton

Thanks, Hannes! So, possibly it was the 11th Arty Div inztead of the 2nd? I suppose so, anyway.
As about 9th & 19th Arty Divisions: these were definitely Breakthrough Arty Divs.
Yet one more thing:
On the website Skalman.nu there's a list of Soviet Arty Divisions and their structure. AFAIK, the 5th gds Arty Div (Breakthrough) consisted of: 71 Light Arty Bde, 67 Howitzer Bde, 17 Gds & 95 Heavy Howitzer Bde, 18 Gds High Power Arty Bde, 27 Mortar Bde – however in March 1945 both 71 LAB & 67 HB were in 53rd Army. Yet Skalman.nu claims that there were 119 HvyHowBde & 23 Gds LAB in 5th Gds Arty div, so my question is: were these two brigades attached to 5th Gdfs Arty div instead of 71 LAB & 67 HowArtyBde or not?
And do you have any info about 63rd Guards Cannon Arty Bde? Grylev says that in the 9th Gds Army there were: 35th Gds Cannon Arty Bde and 61 & 62 Gds Corps Arty Bdes ("Corps" arty usually had A-19 122mm cannons), however Polish book on Budapest-Balaton battles claims there was also 63rd Gds CanArty Bde; I personally suppose that the 35th Gds cannon Arty Bde was an "Army" troop, as usual within the typical Army artilery formations; however there could be also three "corps level" arty bdes: 61, 62 & 63 Gds Cannon/Corps Arty Bdes; can it be cleared up?
Thanks a lot!

От Hannes Gruber
К Darth Stalin (02.08.2003 01:10:00)
Дата 05.08.2003 00:31:00

Re: 7 mech...

According to Sharp, both the 67 HB and the 71 LAB were assigned to the 5th Gds Art Div in June 1943 and they spent the rest of the war under that headquarters. 119 Super Hvy How Bde was part of the 6th Gds Art Div and 23 Gds LAB was part of the 5th Art Div until the end of the war. Unfortunately, that's all what I can find in Sharp's book in regard to your question.
As for the second question, 61 Gds Corps Art Bde was assigned to the 37 Gds Rif Cps in 9 Gds Army, 62 Gds Corps Art Bde to the 38 Gds Rif Cps and 63 Gds Corps Art Bde to the 39 Gds Rif Cps. The 35 Gds Cannon Bde served as the Army Heavy Cannon Bde in the 9 Gds Army.

Hope I was able to help you somehow.

От Darth Stalin
К Hannes Gruber (05.08.2003 00:31:00)
Дата 05.08.2003 00:44:00

Re: 7 mech corps in Budapest/Balaton

Thanks, Hannes!