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Дата 12.08.2010 12:21:15 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Великая Отечественная; 1941; Версия для печати

Катуков декларирует в книге 34 танка за три дня боев(12-14)

Вот небольшой фрагмент из гешихта 10.

"The villages Skirmanovo and Marino were held by the Rifle Rgt 86 and the II./Pz.Rgt. 7, supported by a „Flak-Kampftrupp“, by the „schwere Wurfgerät“ of the 3./Pi. 49, the „s.I.G.-Komp. 706 and the 3. Komp./Pz.Jg.Abt. 90 with 5 cm antitank guns. The I./Pz.Rgt. 7 was stationed at Agafidovo, immediately south of Skirmanovo. Kozlovo was held by the Rifle Rgt 69 and Pokrovskoe by the Krad Bn 10. The I./Art.Rgt. 90 was stationed south of Nizh. Sladnevo, the II./Art. Rgt. 90 north and the III./Art.Rgt 90 south of Pokrovskoe in order to support both rifle regiments.

On November 12th at 9.30 AM 20-25 T-34 attacked Marino and virtually overrun the II./86 Rif Rgt. The I./Pz.Rgt 7 was ordered to move from Agafidovo to Skirmanovo, but Marino was already lost. At 10.00 AM the Russians attacked Skirmanovo from the west and at 10.45 AM the height 264,3 from the north. The commander of Pz.Rgt. 7, Oberstleutnant Keyser, fell. At 2.00 PM the height 264,3 was lost and so the occupation of Skirmanovo became untenable which was given up at 9.00 PM.
On that November 12th the division lost 198 men and 19 tanks. The exact tank strength of that day is not mentiond, but on November 15th it were 28 Panzer III b and 14 Panzer IV."

К сожалению что там про 13-14 ноября неизвестно.
В принципе при интенсивности боев аналогичной 12 числу наши вполне могли намолотить еще 15 танков (34-19).