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К Edward
Дата 05.06.2007 17:17:33 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Великая Отечественная; 1941; Части и соединения; Версия для печати

Кстати о командире 25 полка .

Обстоятельства его гибели следующие(немецкий взгляд)

"On 28 Jun. Minsk falls and the pocket is sealed. But this is a sad day for 7. Panzer Division, for they lost one of their head figures - Oberst Rothenburg - a Pour le Merite and KC holder. He is wounded by an explosion from the burning armored train. Since the regiment is still isolated from the main body of the division, first a Fiesler Storch and then an 8-wheel armored car are offered to him to carry him back to the main dressing station, but he refuses both and also a panzer escort (doesn't want to weaken his already depleted regiment) and decides to drive with to cars back to the rear. On his way through the enemy occupied land he is killed and his body is discovered the next day."

Речь похоже идет о бронепоезде из состава 76 стрелкового полка войск НКВД СССР по охране железнодорожных сооружений. Его фото есть на сайте Е.Дрига.