"ПИРИ (Peary) Роберт Эдвин (1856-1920) - американский полярный путешественник, адмирал (1911). В 1892 и 1895 пересек Гренландию. 6 апреля 1909 на собачьих упряжках достиг Северного полюса."
Большой Энциклопедический словарь http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enc3p/234238
"Robert E. Peary...
On April 6, 1909, accompanied by Matthew Henson (1866–1955) and four Eskimo, he reached what he thought was the pole, and he became widely acknowledged as the first explorer to attain that goal. ...
Examination of Peary's expedition diary and new documents in the 1980s suggested that the point he reached may have been 30–60 mi (50–100 km) short of the pole."
Britannica http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article-9374765
>"Robert E. Peary...
>On April 6, 1909, accompanied by Matthew Henson (1866–1955) and four Eskimo, he reached what he thought was the pole, and he became widely acknowledged as the first explorer to attain that goal. ...
>Examination of Peary's expedition diary and new documents in the 1980s suggested that the point he reached may have been 30–60 mi (50–100 km) short of the pole."
> http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article-9374765
>Ни о какой фальсификации энциклопедии не пишут.
Я специально выделил.
Т.е. признается, что до полюса он не дошел, хотя и отрапортовал о своем достижении.
А об исследовании бумаг Пири читайте в специальной литературе.