От Pokrovsky~stanislav Ответить на сообщение
К Alexandre Putt
Дата 17.03.2010 12:55:20 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Россия-СССР; Крах СССР; История; Либерализм; Версия для печати

По Вашему? - А Европа за голову схватилась!

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VIR · 4 days ago

oh GOD....oh really ...no no our good friend you cant do this to us .....what do you want ....whole of Europe.... OK fine we will go AFRICA.-EU.

John Lamb · 3 days ago

I cannot understand how they can forget what happened during the holocaust, maybe they had a hand in it? Maybe they wish to nutralise the whole world? let's not panic but find a way to stop them and by this stop the USA,Britain and all other evil powers. Love from the uk.