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К Ф.А.Ф.
Дата 08.02.2009 22:16:38 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Россия-СССР; Образы будущего; Версия для печати

Ну и еще одна, раз так интересно

Alexander Sergeyevich Yakovlev suggested to Joseph Stalin that the USSR buy advanced jet engines from the British. Stalin is said to have replied: "What fool will sell us his secrets?" However, he gave his assent to the proposal and Artem Mikoyan, engine designer Vladimir Klimov, and others traveled to the United Kingdom to request the engines. To Stalin's amazement, the British Labour government and its pro-Soviet Minister of Trade, Sir Stafford Cripps, were perfectly willing to provide technical information and a license to manufacture the Rolls-Royce Nene centrifugal-flow jet engine, a move which even Russian sources have mocked. This engine was reverse-engineered and produced as the Soviet Klimov RD-45 jet engine, subsequently incorporated into the MiG-15. (Rolls-Royce later attempted to claim Ј207 million in license fees, but without success.)

Таким образом, техническая документация была дана, а вот лицензию оплатить "забыли" :)
Особенно радует добросердечное отношение британских руководителей к Советскому Союзу...