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Дата 02.06.2008 19:48:00 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Тексты; Версия для печати

Re: Опять заговор?

The Soviet numerical advantage in heavy equipment was also more than
offset by the greatly superior training and readiness of German
forces. The Soviet officer corps and high command had been decimated
by Stalin's Great Purge (1936-1938). Of 90 Generals arrested only six
survived, of 180 divisional commanders only 36 survived, just seven
out 57 Army Corps Commanders survived the purges. In total some 30,000
Red Army personnel were murdered,[ Rayfield 2004, p. 315] while more
were shipped to Siberia and were replaced with officers deemed more
"politically reliable." Three of the five pre-war marshals and about
two-thirds of the corps and division commanders were shot. This often
left younger, less well-trained officers in their places; for example,
in 1941, seventy-five percent of Red Army officers had held their
posts for less than one year. The average Soviet corps commander was
12 years younger than the average German division commander. These
officers tended to be very reluctant to take the initiative and often
lacked the training necessary for their jobs.