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Дата 12.03.2007 21:00:19 Найти в дереве
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Anthropology is the study of the anatomical and mental composition of humanity through the examination of historical and present geographical distribution, cultural history, acculturation, cultural relationships, and racial classifications.[1] It is holistic in two senses: it is concerned with all human beings at all times and with all dimensions of humanity.

# Socio-cultural anthropology is the investigation, often through long term, intensive field studies, of the culture and social organization of a particular people: language, economic and political organization, kinship, gender relations, religion, mythology, symbolism, etc. (U.S. universities more often use the term cultural anthropology; British universities have tended to call the corresponding field social anthropology, and for much of the 20th century emphasized the analysis of social organization more than cultural symbolism.) In some European countries, socio-cultural anthropology is known as ethnology (a term also used in English-speaking countries to denote the comparative aspect of socio-cultural anthropology.) Subfields and related fields include psychological anthropology, folklore, anthropology of religion, ethnic studies, and cultural studies.
# Linguistic anthropology seeks to understand the processes of human communications, verbal and non-verbal; it identifies the many subtle elements of the world's languages, and documents their structure, function and history. Linguistic anthropologists often draw on related fields including semiotics, cognitive linguistics, discourse analysis, and narrative analysis.
