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К Администрация (Дмитрий Кропотов)
Дата 08.12.2003 15:07:32 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Прочее; Россия-СССР; Ссылки; Версия для печати

Злыням - Луна

Кратко: На Луну не летали и тому есть масса док-в. В последней статье Мухин доказал, что из США никакого лунного грунта мы не получали, а амеры на Луне не были и не могли быть. Продолжительность доаполлоновых миссий и послеаполлоновых кричит о невозможности подобных отличий - 59 витков последней перед Аполлоном и 404 первой после последнего Аполлона - косм. станции Skylab-2. Аполлоны летали на орбите Земли и наращивали кол-во виктов, готовя астронавтов к косм. станции и получая опыт. Это доказывается как тем, что на всех съемках в Аполлонах в иллюминаторах виден синий свет атмосферы Земли и округлость планеты; тем, что к Аполлонам было ДВА вида связи - один во время запуска и до выхода на орбиту и другой по приземлении, а второй когда выходили на орбиту, отключая ЦУП и давая связь с "летевшими на Луну" второму пункту связи (mission control - в ЦУПе был launch control), в котором поочередно работали и летавшие до этого на Аполлонах астронавты, что было сделано чтобы ограничить круг лиц знающих об афёре.

Далее даётся краткий перечень менее важных аномалий и док-в лунной афёры, чем те, которые были приведены выше. Данные взяты с англоязычного сайта, который зазипован и находится в копилке. На том же сайте есть и масса другой информации, в частности фотографической. Например с показом к какой Луне они летали - рисованной, вокруг которой ездила камера - и как взетал лунный модуль с Луны - на тросе в центре НАСА (именно поэтому съемки со взлетающим модулем резко обрываются где-то на 5-ой секунде после его взлёта с Луны - далее просто не могли бы показывать ибо он завис бы на тросе выше). там же масса фоторафий с нелпейшими повторяющимися задними планами, исчезающими и увеличивающимися в размерах горами, исчезающими в одном и том же месте лунных модулях при одном и том же заднем плане и ракурсе, и т.д.

L.B. Johnson made certain Apollo files CLASSIFIED, with a declassification date of 2026. This is so those involved in the Apollo scam would be long dead and gone, and no one alive to blame

Arthur C. Clarke referred to Apollo 11 as a "Hole in History". Historian A.J.P. Taylor referred to it as "The biggest nonevent of his lifetime".

Film footage taken inside the capsule of ALL Apollo missions, shows a light blue haze, and curvature of Earth through capsule window, when they were supposedly half way to the Moon, and in the blackness of space. This proves that capsule was only in Earth orbit.

The lunar rover had inflatable tires which would have exploded if pre-inflated, and there was no air on the Moon to inflate them. Pro Apollo NUTTERS claim the rover had solid wire mesh tires. Yes the rover in the museum had these fitted in the mid 70's when they realized pneumatic tires could not have functioned on the Moon. NASA have had 33 years in which to clear up the plainly obvious mistakes within the Apollo program. Each time some one brings up a query NASA correct it and say nothing, ie, they cannot say why the anomaly was there in the first place. Anyway I have pictures of the rover supposedly on the Moon and it has the SAME tires AND tire valves as the one they used at KSC. In other words it is the SAME one. Early close up pictures of the rover on Internet have CHANGED since the blunder was exposed on this web site.

Michael J. Tuttle who composed the fake Moon pictures, used mountain background scenes from the astronaut training sessions in Iceland, to paste on the fake pictures. Check picture on REALITY site with number 10075749.jpg from the Apollo 16 site. He also digitally composed the 360 degree panoramic shots of fake Moon landing sites for use by NASA. His URL speaks for itself. The majority of NASA's fake Moon landing pictures were taken/composed in the late 80's, AND NOT in the late 60's as many are led to believe. This was because suspicion was aroused at the time regarding the limited number of photo's available. NASA had to do something rapidly because of the onset of the Internet.

The Saturn V rocket had shed 97% of its weight upon reaching Earth orbit. The remaining 3% was the space capsule placed in EARTH ORBIT.

In the mid 60's, Alan Shepherd was removed from ALL space missions due to vertigo and meniere's disease. No one in such a poor state of health would be assigned to such a dangerous and complex mission. He was not even on the Apollo 14 mission, which in itself was only in Earth orbit.

In a TV interview NASA chief Dan Golden, (alias Dan Dare), openly admitted that mankind cannot venture beyond Earth orbit, until they can overcome the dangers of cosmic radiation. He managed to say this without any mention, or reference to the Apollo missions 34 years ago.

Neil Armstrong has NO momento's or photographs whatsoever from his alleged Moon mission, however he has plenty from his test pilot days. There are no photographs of Armstrong supposedly on the Moon, because Armstrong, knowing the saga was fake, refused NASA permission.

In 1969 computer chips had not been invented. The maximum computer memory was 256k, and this was housed in a large air conditioned building. In 2000 a top of the range computer requires at least 64 Mb of memory to run a simulated Moon landing, and that does not include the memory required to take off again once landed. The computer on board Apollo 11 had 32k memory.

When Apollo astronauts were not in space, they were manning mission control communication for other Apollo missions, this was to limit the number of persons in the know. There were in fact two communication links to every Apollo mission. First was launch control who dealt with communication at lift off, and reentry, however once in Earth orbit communication was handed over to the limited few astronauts manning mission control. Check it yourself on film coverage released at the time. Collins, Duke, Aldrin, Lovell, Shepherd, Schmitt, Cernan etc, are all there on various missions. Lovell himself admitted that there were two communication links to the astronauts.

It would have been impossible for the astronauts to get from the Command Module to the conical space capsule, as the heat shield would obstruct them. It would have also been impossible for them to get out at the conical/pointed end of space capsule, as this section was occupied by the 3 large reentry parachutes, which ejected from the conical end.

Neil Armstrong is now suffering with mental illness. A direct result of him putting his name forward as the foundation stone for the biggest lie in history. OR it could be that he has become paranoid by the overwhelming number of websites, exposing him as a liar.

Buzz Aldrin believes he has suffered brain damage as a result of his trip to the Moon. He knows darned well that he never went anywhere near the Moon, and so could not have suffered brain damage in the way he alleges. Aldrin was the only Apollo astronaut who went public, and talked about the Moon landings during the 70's and 80's. The guilt, remorse, and stumbling over awkward questions put to him by the media, have put an intolerable strain on him. His psychological damage is the result of keeping it bottled up for 33 years, instead of getting it off his mind. In Aldrin's book "Return to Earth", he makes a remark that all 6 of them have been made to look fools. Make of this what you will.

When approached by journalist Bart Sibrel, Armstrong made the remark "Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies". Would he say this if he had nothing to hide?

Rumor has it that Apollo 12 astronaut Pete Conrad was going public about the fake Moon landings on the 30th anniversary back in July 1999. He was killed in a motorcycle accident one week before the 30th anniversary.



If a Moon landing was possible, in reality it was not, then surely it would make logical sense to send the astronaut who had the most space experience on the first Moon mission. An astronaut who had experienced long duration's of weightlessness in Earth orbit. Apollo 11 was Armstrong's second and final space mission, which of course was in low Earth orbit.

When mankind ventures into new, unknown territory, with great risks attached, the first person who makes that journey would, in all sense and reason, accompany the second person, or persons on a return journey for guidance, and essential procedures to prevent any mishaps occurring. Neither Armstrong, Aldrin, or any other Apollo astronaut for that matter accompanied fresh astronauts on that new journey. It is astonishing that all missions managed to land safely and take off again without a hitch, but they never got anywhere near to the Moon, which would of course explain why this was so.

Astronauts with the most space experience should be first in line for any round trip to the Moon, being a return journey of 500,000 miles. However for many of the Apollo astronauts, the alleged Moon landing was their FIRST AND ONLY space mission, which seems somewhat odd. Those first timers were also manning the communication consoles at mission control during other Apollo missions. There were in fact TWO communication links on all Apollo missions. The first was LAUNCH CONTROL, who communicated with the astronauts from the moment of launch, up until they were in Earth orbit. Once in Earth orbit, communication to the astronauts was transferred to those "limited few in the know" who were manning MISSION CONTROL. They had to do it this way so that LAUNCH CONTROL would not wise up to the fact that they were not going to the Moon at all. For what other reason would they have two separate communication links, and why is this practice not operated today?

In 1968 NASA Chief Astronaut, Deke Slayton, (one of the main perpetrators of faking Apollo), visited the film set of "2001 Space Oddity", in the UK He referred to it as NASA East, and it was here that he got the idea for filming the mock lunar module, and command module separation and docking. Film of the alleged booster stage falling away from module was also sequenced on Kubrick's film set. Think about it, how could you install a camera in the center part of a rocket booster engine without it being burned to a crisp? It can only be done on a film set, and why is it we only see this sequence, albeit repeated for each Apollo mission, only on the Moon missions, and not on any other space mission? TV pictures allegedly beamed back to Earth showing the lunar module separation, were razor sharp color images, why therefore were the TV transmissions from the Moon gray and fuzzy, after all they were supposedly transmitted across the same distance in space?

NASA's feeble excuse for not returning to the Moon is because they cannot afford it. The Apollo program allegedly cost $25 billion, at a time when the USA was heavily involved in the Vietnam war, that alone cost them $250 billion, 10 times the cost of Apollo. They have not been involved in anything as big as Vietnam since, so why this feeble excuse, especially as technology has increased four thousand fold since 1969? If NASA's Moon landings were genuine, then getting to the Moon and back should be far easier today than what it was back in 1969. It would cost the same, or less than what Apollo cost, because the technology, ie, tried and tested methods, along with drawings and equipment etc., has apparently already been done. The reason they cannot return is because they never went there in the first place. One cannot return to a place one has never visited.

The TV series "From the Earth to the Moon", showed just how easy it was to create a Moon landscape, as well as simulated gravity. The film was identical in every way to the original Apollo films, and yet this series was filmed in a TV studio. The film makers even used the same scene from the faked Apollo 17 pictures, and even used the same Moon buggy, which was supposedly LEFT ON THE MOON.

There are many, many visual signs in the photographs and film, which point to the fact that they are not genuine, likewise there are many irregularities in the alleged Moon mission data, statements made describing each mission, and comments made by the astronauts. Scientific evidence also proves that they could not have landed on the Moon, and returned safely to Earth.

You can tell by Armstrong's actions, and the look on his face during pre launch interview, that he knows he is not going anywhere near the Moon, and has been forced to tell lies in front of millions of people. He is nervous, stumbles over his words, and looks down at the table in front of him like some little boy who has been told off by his teacher. This was to hide his guilt from the camera, hardly the behavior of a man about to make history. The guilt is also clearly visible on the faces of all three astronauts whilst in the quarantine chamber aboard Hornet. All three struggle to raise a smile, but are unable to keep it up. There faces quickly return to a sullen look as if to say "We should not be conning the American people in this way".

There is an old saying that "A liar needs a good memory". Nowhere is this more true than in the Apollo program. NASA tell lies to cover up previous lies, and other discrepancies uncovered by people investigating the Moon landings. Altering previous data, removing photographs, and retracting statements made, only re-enforces the evidence that NASA are on the run, and being forced into a corner to which they cannot escape. The actions of those under investigation makes the investigator more aware they are bluffing. The longer that person, or persons, who make the extravagant claims continue, the more lies they have to tell in order to counteract it, until it reaches the point where it becomes ridiculous. That point was passed in July 1999, when NASA officials were questioned about the Moon landings on television. They dodged the all important questions like a drifter dodges the heat.

Many Apollo astronauts have long since died, as to have many of the original NASA officials involved in the scam, consequently current officials, who know that Apollo was a fake, have not quite got it right when talking openly in public. Perhaps the biggest slip of the tongue was made by NASA Chief Dan Goldin when interviewed by UK TV journalist Sheena McDonald. He said that mankind cannot venture beyond Earth orbit, 250 miles into space, until they can find a way to overcome the dangers of cosmic radiation. He must have forgot that they supposedly sent 27 astronauts 250,000 miles outside Earth orbit over 34 years ago.



The following data has been taken from "One Small Step" by Tim Furniss, and Mcgraw Hill "Encyclopedia of Space and Technology.

Mission/Duration/Orbit + RTN Journey Time/On Moon

Apollo8/147hrs/10 + 127 hrs/nil
Apollo10/192hrs/32 + 130 hrs/nil
Apollo11/195hrs/31 + 111hrs/21.5hrs
Apollo12/143hrs/45 + 22 hrs/31.5hrs
Apollo13/143 hrs/1 + 142 hrs/nil
Apollo14/216hrs/34 + 145hrs/3.5 hrs
Apollo15/295hrs/74 + 80hrs/67 hrs
Apollo16/266hrs/64 + 67hrs/71hrs
Apollo17/302hrs/75 + 77hrs/75hrs

Earth diameter is 7,900 miles, and Moon diameter is 2,160 miles. It takes on average 90 minutes to complete one Earth orbit, so one Moon orbit should take roughly 25 minutes. Apollo 8 took 20 hours to complete 10 Moon orbits, which equates to an average time of 2 hours per orbit! If Apollo 8 did 10 Moon orbits in 20 hours, did Apollo 17 take 150 hours, (6 days and 6 hours), to complete 75 orbits of the Moon?

The Apollo mission for each of these astronauts, (or astroNOTS as Ralph René calls them), was their FIRST and ONLY experience of space travel, apart from Shepherd's 15 minute sub orbital space hop, which was limited experience of weightlessness.
Shepard, Mitchell, Irwin, Duke, Schmitt, Roosa, Worden, Mattingley and Evans. The last three of this list allegedly performed deep space walks, (125,000 miles from Earth), on the return mission. Would someone who has had no space experience whatsoever be assigned to such a complex, and dangerous mission in deep space, and why phaff around doing space walks, when getting back to planet Earth would be the top priority?


Apollo 8 did 92 Earth orbits. Apollo 10 did 121 Earth orbits. Apollo 11 did 123 Earth orbits. Apollo 12 did 154 Earth orbits. Apollo 13 did 90 Earth orbits, with the so called problem occurring whilst in EARTH ORBIT. Apollo 14 did 136 Earth orbits, without Alan Shepherd on board. Apollo 15 did 186 Earth orbits. Apollo 16 did 168 Earth orbits, and finally Apollo 17 did 191 Earth orbits.

NASA used Apollo to further the time that astronauts could spend in Earth orbit, with the view to constructing a space station, however they conned the world into believing they were making Moon landings. This is confirmed by the mission duration times before, and after the Apollo program. The last Gemini mission prior to Apollo did 59 Earth orbits in 94.5 hours. Following on from the last Apollo mission in Earth orbit, (Apollo 17), Skylab 2 launched in May 73 did 404 orbits in 672 hours before crashing back to Earth. Apollo missions fill the gap between Gemini's 59 orbits, and Skylab's 404 orbits.


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