От Alexandre Putt Ответить на сообщение
К Artur
Дата 17.11.2009 18:36:44 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Россия-СССР; Идеология; Компромисс; Война и мир; Версия для печати

По-моему, Вы просто не понимаете понятие "культура"


"... an historically transmitted pattern of meanings embodied in symbols, a system of inherited conceptions expressed in symbolic forms by means of which men communicate, perpetuate, and develop their knowledge about and attitudes toward life" (Geertz 1973: 89).


"...in the 20th century "culture" emerged as the central and unifying concept of American anthropology, where it most commonly refers to the universal human capacity to classify and encode their experiences symbolically, and communicate symbolically encoded experiences socially."



"Barth here describes ethnicity as a contrastive category. I am "Norwegian" because I see myself (and / or: I am seen) in contrast to e.g. Saami or Swedes. Ethnicity is thus a concept describing a particular way of drawing boundaries between groups, in contrast to culture, which is the meaningful "contents", the "life-world" which the boundaries contain."