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Дата 25.04.2005 23:06:35 Найти в дереве
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Вот здесь обсуждение данной темы (*+)


Автор: AlexLL 4 марта 2004, 20:46
QUOTE (клавa @ 4 марта 2004, 18:05)
>Алик, надень тюбетейку взад, мозги простудишь. Вишь, чего умные люди говорят - Черчилль на самом сказал, что с удовольствием
пописал бы на могилку того гая.
>Марш в библиотеку!

Молодец, сладенькая! Так его!

Наверное, всем интересно узнать, кому же принадлежит авторство знаменитой фразы про "соху - атомную бомбу"? Разумеется, не Черчиллю.
Фраза эта принадлежит Исааку Дойчеру (1907-1967), троцкисту, члену Польской Компартии в 1926-1932, исключенному из нее за критику
Сталина. В 1953г вышла книга Дойчера "Россия после Сталина". В своей книге Дойчер писал:
"During a quarter of a century Stalinism, without compunction or pity, and yet with some suppressed compassion, drove a nation of
160 to 200 millions to jump the chasm which separated the epoch of the wooden plow from that of the atomic pile"



The Norwalk Incident TO THE EDITOR OF CoMMENTARY: In his article "Thirty Days That Shook Norwalk" (April), James Rorty did not spare
the whip in singling out for criticism all factions involved in...

...I also doubt that it is sound liberalism to assume that all veterans are congenital witch hunters, impossible to talk to, merely
because an occasional post elects a blabber-mouth as commander...
...Trotsky staunchly defended the Soviet Union on the ground that its economy was "socialist...
...This attitude has much in common with that of Trotsky...
...The national organization of the Veterans of Foreign Wars has never advocated or en- couraged the formation of secret committees,
vigilante tactics, or witch hunts, but rather has advocated compliance with the procedure recommended by the Federal Bureau of In-
...January), Mr...
...DEUTSCHER depicts Stalinism as a unique blend of Marxism, Greek Orthodoxy, andquintessentially-"primitive magic," i.e., the
expression of "man's helplessness amid the forces of nature he had not yet learned to control" (p...
...Apparently sharing Lenin's disdain for the "petty-bourgeois" peasantry, Deutscher neglects to take into account the formidable
strength of the Social Revolutionaries, who drew nearly two-thirds of all the votes cast in the elections to the Constituent
Assembly which met on January 18, 1918, and was dissolved by the Bolsheviks the following day...
...or evincing an uncanny insight into the deeper recesses of Stalin's mind: "During a quarter of a century Stalinism, with- out
compunction or pity, and yet with some suppressed compassion, drove a nation of 160 to 200 millions to jump the chasm which
separated the epoch of the wooden plow from that of the atomic pile" (p...



With his extended discussion of Deutscher, Julie grappled with a strain of radicalism that was to make deep inroads into the more
sophisticated interstices of the New Left and beyond. "Given his [Deutscher's] views of socialism, which eliminate democracy as an
integral part of socialism and given his conviction that only the inevitably ('predetermined') evolved system of Stalinism could
bring this method about, there is no ground for repudiating Stalin's methods other than an irrelevant squeamishness. Perhaps it was
not necessary to slander the old Bolsheviks with the charge of being agents of foreign imperialism and on Hitler's payroll, but
whatever reasons might be advanced, from Deutscher's point of view and analysis, if logic prevails, the old Bolsheviks had to be
removed one way or another, since it can easily be established that their very existence was a serious menace to the consolidation
of Stalinism politically and therefore an impediment to its historic 'socialist' mission of raising Russia from the wooden plow to
the tractor." Deutscher created the "theoretical justification for terror whose practical significance" is extended, in echoes that
reverberate even today, to justify the "use of terror and the liquidation of democracy and democrats" not least of all in Cuba, as
it has in China and Vietnam.