"The Cybernetics Society holds scientific meetings, conferences, and social events, and engages in other activities to encourage public understanding of science and to extend and disseminate knowledge of cybernetics and its associated disciplines. The Society aims to support the Continuing Professional Development of its members. The Cybernetics Society is a member society of the International Federation for Systems Research and is affiliated to the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics."
"18th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research
18th-21st April 2006 in Vienna. ...
Cybernetics - "the study of communication and control in the animal and the machine" (N.Wiener) - has recently returned to the forefront, not only in cyberspace and cyberpunk, but, even more important, contributing to the corroboration of various scientific theories. Additionally, an ever increasing number of research areas, including social and economic theories, theoretical biology, ecology, computer science, and robotics draw on ideas from second order cybernetics."
>"The Cybernetics Society holds scientific meetings, conferences, and social events,
В чём принципиальное отличие от общества любителей пива?
Вот во что это выродилось:
"communication and information theory, the mathematical biophysics of the central nervous system, theory of automata, general systems theory, and some of the wider aspect of the design of computers and servomechanisms" http://www.hfr.org.uk/cybernetics-pages/bibcyb-intro.htm
Где там наука об обществе?!
Я просил ссылки на публикации. Во всей экономике ссылок на кибернетику нет.
Будьте так любезны дать примеры экономических публикаций, где есть ссылки на кибернетику. Подсчитаем, масштаб явления оценим.