От Красный Перец Ответить на сообщение
К Pokrovsky~stanislav
Дата 18.09.2005 13:45:24 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Манипуляция; Версия для печати

Re: да,_и_расскажите,_плиз

да вы еще и ленивы -

Alpha-Scattering Surface Analyzer

The alpha-scattering surface analyzer was designed to measure directly
the abundances of the major elements of the lunar surface. The
instrumentation consisted of six alpha sources (curium 242) collimated
to irradiate a 100 mm diameter opening in the bottom of the instrument
where the sample was located and two parallel but independent charged
particle detector systems. One system, containing two sensors, detected
the energy spectra of the alpha particles scattered from the lunar
surface, and the other, containing four sensors, detected energy spectra
of the protons produced via reactions (alpha and proton) in the surface
material. Each detector assembly was connected to a pulse height
analyzer. A digital electronics package, located in a compartment on the
spacecraft, continuously telemetered signals to earth whenever the
experiment was operating. The spectra contained quantitative information
on all major elements in the samples except for hydrogen, helium, and
lithiu,. The experiment provided 83 hours of high quality data during
the first lunar day. During the second lunar day, 22 hours of data were
accumulated. However, detector noise posed a problem in the reduction of
data from this second day.

посадка 11 сентября 67 года

ну, и как, достаточно информации для фальсификации пород? А реголит
бодяжили на основании видеосъемок с разрешением в 400 линий ?

хотя, программа Surveyer - точно такая же фалсификация, как и лунный
Аполлон - во , посмотрите на этих жуликов, типа аполлон 12 с типа
surveyer 3

Слуууущайте, совсем забыл - так вы же фоменкист? Типа, Куликовская
битва была в Зарядье, поскольку все окрестные церкви там "на Кулишках"
.... ааа. тогда звиняйте