>Нащщот семьи, тут да, тут у коммунистов сложности.Ибо семья - зародыш частнособственнических устремлений.Всегда люди будут любить своих детей больше чужих,свою мать больше чужой матери, свою тещу больше чужой тещи..
Семья - это когда чужая мать становится своей тещей, а чужие дети своими племянниками. Коммунистам этого не понять. Они только о наживе думают. Потому - наследники реформации:
"But for the general religious situation of a man the consequences are evident. In spite of the necessity of membership in the true Church 27 for salvation, the Calvinist's intercourse with his God was carried on in deep spiritual isolation. To see the specific results 28 of this peculiar atmosphere, it is only necessary to read Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress., 29 by far the most widely read book of the whole Puritan literature. In the description of Christian's attitude after he had realized that he was living in the City of Destruction and he had received the call to take up his pilgrimage to the celestial city, wife and children cling to him, but stopping his ears with his fingers and crying, "life, eternal life", he staggers forth across the fields. No refinement could surpass the naive feeling of the tinker who, writing in his prison cell, earned the applause of a believing world, in expressing the emotions of the faithful Puritan, thinking only of his own salvation. It is expressed in the unctuous conversations which he holds with fellow-seekers on the way, in a manner somewhat reminiscent of Gottfried Keller's Gerechte Kammacher. Only when he himself is safe does it occur to him that it would be nice to have his family with him." http://homepage.mac.com/abukuma/weberian/weber/world/ethic/pro_eth_4.html
А чужих детей?Готовы ли вы разделить нынешние страдания русских детей со своими?Или вы предпочтете делить только радость?А если ваши дети будут, тьфу три раза, голодны, разделите ли вы один стакан молока на свех или утаите немного для своих?
И, потом, что вы все о коммунистической наживе?Какая еще у них нажива?Кто о наживе думал?Тельман, Троцкий, Ленин, Тольятти?Вы чего это?