06.03.2005 00:40:14
На сайте ЕвроКосмоса (ESA) сказано, что НЕ ищут
На сайте Европейского Космического Агентства (ESA) утверждается , что они НЕ смогут сфотографировать места посадки (или ее отсутствия) "Аполлонов " с достаточным разрешением ( неск. метров).
>we will not be able to image the Apollo landing sites with enough resolution to detect the presence of any remains from the Apollo missions.
Их точность 90 метров с высоты 1000 км .
"Смарт" будет летать на высотах 300-10000 км.
Сказано, что сделать камеру с достаточной разрешающей способностью они могут, но это не цель их экспедиции.
из FAQ'ов
Will SMART-1 be able to see evidence of NASA’s Apollo moonlandings?
Despite the fact that SMART-1 will cover virtually the whole Moon with observations by with several instruments, unfortunately we will not be able to image the Apollo landing sites with enough resolution to detect the presence of any remains from the Apollo missions.
A resolution of about 1 metre would be necessary for that. We have a camera with a resolution of 0.005176°, which translates into a resolution of about 90 metres from an altitude of around 1000 kilometres. In order to image the Apollo remains with our camera, we would then need to fly at an altitude of about 11 kilometres. This is due to the fact that the optics of our camera were designed for the specific scientific needs of this mission. We could have easily designed an optical system with a narrower field of view and capable of detecting the Apollo remains, but alas this was not a mission goal.