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Дата 10.10.2008 00:24:08 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Россия-СССР; История; Образы будущего; Идеология; Версия для печати


>>"Платят в США за науку как и в остальных странах мало" но "Там работает огромное количество иностранцев" приехавших "в погоне за деньгами"
> Чего ж тут нелогичного? Платят мало по сравнению с зарплатйо в средней местной фирме. Потому национальная молодежь в науку и не идет. А вот из какой-нибудь Индии, Китая, Индонезии, Южной Африки - да, приедут, так как по сравнению с местным уровнем в США плаят за занятия наукой значительно больше.

Upper middle

Further information: American middle class#The Professional/Managerial middle class

This class consists of highly educated salaried professionals whose work is largely self-directed. Many have graduate degrees with educational attainment serving as the main distinguishing feature of this class. Household incomes commonly may exceed $100,000 (€65,866 or £50,413), with some smaller one-income earners household having incomes in the high 5-figure range.[2][5] Salaries are commonly in the high five-figure range. Members of this class commonly hold advanced academic degrees and are often involved with professional organizations. Due to the nature of professional and managerial occupations, the upper middle class tends to have great influence over the course of society.[2] Occupations which are essential to the forming of public opinion such as journalists, authors, commentators, professors, scientists, and advertisers are largely upper middle class.[13] The very well-educated, are seen as trend setters with movements such as the anti-smoking movement, pro-fitness movement, organic food movement, and environmentalism being largely indigenous to this particular socio-economic grouping. Education serves as perhaps the most important value and also the most dominant entry barrier of the upper middle class.[5][17]

Sociologists such as Dennis Gilbert, Willam Thompson, and Joseph Hickey estimate the upper middle class to constitute roughly 15% of the population (or roughly three in every twenty persons). The main hallmark and most distinguishing feature of this class is its high educational attainment. Using the 15% figure one may conclude that the American upper middle class consist of professionals making more than $67,500 (€44,468 or £34,029) who often, but not always, reside in households with a six-figure income.

Там же картинка с подписью: "In the United States, engineers often belong to the upper middle class" :)
