От Romix Ответить на сообщение
К vld
Дата 07.05.2008 22:08:42 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Россия-СССР; Хозяйство; Ссылки; Тексты; Версия для печати

Может быть, имеется в виду вот это (processing of Soyuz orbit parameters)

>>- по теме могу добавить (почему отставание в частности по ЭВМ): "специалисты Burrouse открыто признавали, что им так и не удалось достичь уровня советской БЭСМ-6".
>> http://www.duel.ru/200618/?18_4_1
>Это голословное утверждение, не подкрепленное ни ссылкой на слова этих самых таинственных "специалистов Burrouse", ни хотя бы сравнением эксплуатационных характеристик компьютеров.

During the 1975 Apollo-Soyuz Test Project the processing of Soyuz orbit parameters was accomplished by a BESM-6 based system in 1 minute. The same computation for the Apollo was carried out by the American side in 30 minutes.

The 1975 Apollo-Soyuz space mission was controlled from a new computer complex that included a BESM-6 and other domestic high-speed computers developed by Lebedev's students. Prior to this, the space mission telemetry data processing would have taken approximately thirty minutes. Using the new computer complex, the work was performed in one minute. Soviet scientists completed all of the Apollo-Soyuz mission's data processing one half hour earlier than their American colleagues. This marked Lebedev's real triumph: his school and his students developed a first-class computer that was capable of competing with the best machines in the world. For their work on BESM-6, Lebedev and his team won the State Prize.